Sport Trans fat

Sport Fitness
This has always confused me...

If you eat things with trans fat, or hydrogenated oils, will you gain weight? Although, you still stay within your calorie maintenance?

So, basically if you don't gain or lose weight at 2500 calories and have some girl scout cookies...You had 6 cookies, but calculated them into your total calories...Would this impact you any different than if you had chicken breast instead? (from a fat weight gain perspective, not health)
from what i remember reading a while ago, it is said that apart from the fact that it's very unhealthy for your heart, your body doesn't know how to use it therefore it stores it immediately as fat. don't take my word for it though because this was a long time ago. but either way, if you don't mind your arteries being clogged theoretically even if your body does store it as fat, foods nowadays don't have more than 1 gram of hydrogenated fats..and that's at the worst which is hard to it would take a lot of eating for it to cause you to gain weight since a gram of fat is aprox 9 calories.
Dude, let me tell you...It's EASY TO FIND. It's in everything man...The companies just changed their labels, but kept the ingredients. For instance, Cheetos had 1g of trans fat per serving, now it's 0. Well...All they did was lower the serving size and made the bag say 0g trans fat. Although, if you ate 20 Cheetos, instead of 10, you would have 1g of trans fat...

This is also not including partially hydrogenated oils...That is another word for trans fat and it doesn't have to be put on the label...Pizza, ice cream, chips, bread, etc...Certain types all have trans fat...It's seriously everywhere. Especially if you go out and eat somewhere. Hell, if you just go to Ruby Tuesdays and get a basic cheeseburger it's over 1000 calories and has partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil in the bread!!! Not to mention the added sugar...(high fructose syrup)

It is not hard to get in 6-7g trans fat a day. People just don't notice it.
Dude, let me tell you...It's EASY TO FIND. It's in everything man...The companies just changed their labels, but kept the ingredients. For instance, Cheetos had 1g of trans fat per serving, now it's 0. Well...All they did was lower the serving size and made the bag say 0g trans fat. Although, if you ate 20 Cheetos, instead of 10, you would have 1g of trans fat...

This is also not including partially hydrogenated oils...That is another word for trans fat and it doesn't have to be put on the label...Pizza, ice cream, chips, bread, etc...Certain types all have trans fat...It's seriously everywhere. Especially if you go out and eat somewhere. Hell, if you just go to Ruby Tuesdays and get a basic cheeseburger it's over 1000 calories and has partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil in the bread!!! Not to mention the added sugar...(high fructose syrup)

It is not hard to get in 6-7g trans fat a day. People just don't notice it.

It's not hard to get in less than 6-7g trans fat per day... if you don't eat processed crap.
I know this...I was just saying that it's easy to get 6-7g without noticing. Assuming the person doesn't know about this stuff.

Just going out to dinner can get you 3-4...Most average people don't think "processed" when they go out to a ruby tuesday's, applebees, etc...It's not great food, but you think in your head it's better than burger king...Although, it really isn't...
Eating 6 cookies instead of chicken once isn't a big deal.

But if you do this day in, day out, yes it has an impact. you're lowering protein intake and raising the simple carbs and 'bad' fat intake. changing your macros while maintaining calories will affect health and body composition depending on how much you alter the ratios, and the individual in question.
Eating 6 cookies instead of chicken once isn't a big deal.

But if you do this day in, day out, yes it has an impact. you're lowering protein intake and raising the simple carbs and 'bad' fat intake. changing your macros while maintaining calories will affect health and body composition depending on how much you alter the ratios, and the individual in question.

Hmm, well put.

Also, is it a huge deal to get 1g of protein per lbm?

I heard if you get close, it's fine. But, your body can't take in that much protein a day, so it really doesn't matter if you have the exact amount...Is this true, or?
It's not hard to get in less than 6-7g trans fat per day... if you don't eat processed crap.
