The food you eat today is literally what you become tomorrow. Old skin and muscle cells are constantly replaced with new ones. And the material your body uses to accomplish this incredible feat of construction is the food you eat — fat in particular. That's why the type of fat you eat is so important.
A good example comes from research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A group of healthy adults was split into two groups, and assigned to one of two diets for three months.
The first group was fed a diet high in saturated fat. Group two consumed a diet high in monounsaturated fat. Some of the subjects in each group also received fish oil capsules (containing just under four grams of omega-3 fatty acids).
At the end of the study, all of the participants volunteered to have a small part of the muscle tissue in their thigh taken out and examined by the researchers. The type of fat found in muscle cells reflected the type of fat in the diet.
Fat is more than just fuel. It forms part of the bricks used to build the house you live in every day — your body.
When you eat the trans fats, the fatty acid molecules are absorbed into your cells, filling the space that healthy fats would normally occupy.
Trans fats may interfere with the normal behavior of arterial cells, leading to weak, stiffened arteries. Healthy arteries are strong and flexible. Soft, weakened arteries are more susceptible to arterial lesions and heart disease.
Scientists from California's Loma Linda University have also found a link between trans fatty acids and muscle loss. Because they interfere with the metabolism of essential fats, trans fatty acids appear to disrupt the absoprtion and utilization of amino acids from protein in your diet.
When trans fatty acids find their way into our cell membranes, they have the same effect as fine grains of sand dropped into the workings of a fine Swiss watch. The watch will fail to keep perfect time. Eventually, it will stop completely.