Sport Trans fat question

Sport Fitness
I recall reading somewhere in the past that partially hydrogenated VEGETABLE oil is the bad trans fat, but that partially hydrogenated soybean oil is okay. But recently I heard that ALL paritally hydrogenated oils are bad trans fat.

I like to use the powdered coffee creamer and it's got partially hydrogenated soybean oil in it although it says 0 grams of fat in the fat count. But, I've also heard that if the total fat count is less than 1 gram per serving they're still allowed to say 0 grams and those partial grams can add up on you.

So, is the soybean oil also wicked and evil??
I say yes. Hydrogenated always = teh evil. in still too much of an unknown. for every study that says soy is great, you can find another that proves the exact opposite.

so i just avoid soy when I can, but I don't avoid something if it has a little soy-anything in it. I just don't seek it out.

as for the label saying 0g Trans fat...if it contains less than 0.5g of trans fat per serving, then legally they can round it down to 0g per serving.
Some products have a retardly small serving size so they can use this loop hole.
if the ingredients don't say "hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated" you should be fine.

its important to note that trans fats do occur naturally in some foods, like certain meats. I suspect that in the coming years, science will prove that natural trans fats, which occur in trace amounts to start with, aren't as harmful as man-made trans fats produced during the hydrogenation process.