Training "naked" - not what you think...

So I am just wondering, have any of you tried to train "naked"? That is without using any supplements? Have you noticed any real difference than when you train using supplements?

Just wondering if people really find that certain supplements are effective...

For me, I find that creatine has never really given me any really noticeable gains... Now, there could be many reasons for that, so I am certainly not dismissing creatine as a useful supplement...

I am embarking on a 12 week program that I hope will yield some great benefits for me, I recently hit an all time high as far as my weight goes and I am a bit disgusted with myself... I have a really great program and am motivated and I have decided to not use any supplements (other than my usual multi and fish oil)...

I have had ups and downs as far as my conditioning/physique goes over the years, and I feel that I am ready to make a real change as far as my training goes... I have always been fairly athletic and in good shape, so I am not a "rock bottom" person or any of that, I am just looking to be the best I can be...
YOU are the thermogenic.

The contents of the thermogenic: Physical activity and calorie manipulation.

With consistent supplements of: On-going and continued education of diet and fitness as you pursue your personal goal.

You never have to question whether its the correct combination of things to manipulate, you just have to be concerned with how to properly manipulate these to become an effective fat loss or muscle growing machine.

I just prefer to manipulate the variables that naturally come through the body's design intention.

Not all of us are created equal in terms of fat loss and muscle growth efficiency.

But, assuming one has no health complications (organ and hormonal problems, etc, where medical service may be needed), the two basic manipulations still hold true.

For some it can be a major battle between the two variables--to find one that is effective.

But, you are still the thermogenic.

Additionally, this works and is a powerful manipulative force to one that look at various supplements through: Educated Eyes.

I am as naked as they come. Using only fatty acids and whey protein powder, and my goal has graced its face in my personal space, leaving my old self without a trace.

Best wishes,

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very eloquent post!

I agree, I know everyone is different and not all things work for all people... I have always been a bit of a rebel and I don't like to conform or follow along with the crowd, but sometimes you can pick up some useful tidbits from others experiences...

I just got back from the gym, my first workout in months and I feel great! I ate a few carrots and cucumber before going and had some water, plenty of energy! :)
I don't use suppliments, I just don't see the value in using them while I'm still progressing using good old squats and milk
I have a friend that doesn't take supplements but eats a ton of bananas where say me or u would consume extra protein. He deff has genetics on his side.
I don't take any "sports" supplements, but I take a few general health supplements: fish oil, multi, Vitamin C, glucosamine/condroitin, saw palmetto.

On a side note bananas have very little protein. One large banana only has about 1.5 grams
I have a friend that doesn't take supplements but eats a ton of bananas where say me or u would consume extra protein. He deff has genetics on his side.
A ton of bananas would give your friend potassium, starch but not protein (necessary for muscle). Therefore the assumption that your friend can eat a tone of bananas and has good genetics is of no use without knowing what else he eats and how he works out.
I notice huge improvements when I do the following:

* Eat a banana before a run or swim
* Drink milk after lifting weights
* Drink about a gallon of water an hour or two before working out
* Eat pasta every night a week before a major running event

I tried Endurox now to test out my 13 miles run. Here's what I conclude about it: It shows no improvements between when I do above with water, or when I subsistute it with the Endurox. So basically after this tub, I'm not buying it any more since I really don't see the improvements.

I have taken whey protein in the past, but found the same conclusion with Endurox. In short supplements suck major balls.

I do take a multi every day, though.
A ton of bananas would give your friend potassium, starch but not protein (necessary for muscle). Therefore the assumption that your friend can eat a tone of bananas and has good genetics is of no use without knowing what else he eats and how he works out.

Yeah, i know all of this. I used to train with him. But i know he has genetics on his side. Granted he used to be alot stronger than me he is in college now :beerchug: and oh how the table have turned!!! :D
I lifted naked today. Literally naked.

It was a hot day in california and I felt like taking off my clothes and just doing some pull ups, dips, squats, and rows with nothing on.
The idea of not taking supplements as being naked, that is you need supplements to be clothed is plain wrong in my opinion. Taking supplements is the one that should be viewed as being naked in public :rofl:. Every website you visit is selling you supplements and contradicting the other as to which is the "best supplement", emails I get say "these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA" but still suggest expensive supplements. Any which way?