training intensity

lets say race tempo is all you can as you can go...

tempo... is quick... but not all you got...

Regular training pace? somewhat slower...

I can figure out race tempo... run as fast as you think you can keep up for the durration of the run.

tempo run... is find race pace and run just under it...

regular training pace? is this just a relaxed run... how do you know if you are going to slow...

Ok so I am sure those questions will be alot easier to answer once i get my watch and can mesure my pace... so lets throw some generic numbers out there...

lets say for 5k race pace is 8:45... what would be a good pace for a normal training run? 10:00?
J-B0 go to near the top of the page (under the runners world title) is a box that says "tools and calcs" scroll down to where it says "training pace calc" there you can put in your goal time for a 5K or any other race and it will tell you the different paces (race pace, tempo, long run) you should be doing. I use that a lot, let me know if thats helpful for you.
its ok I was on there for a few months before I knew it had that feature as well ;)