Training for pull ups?

I've been weight training for years; but yet I'm not very good at pull ups. I tried yesterday and I could only do four on my own. I'm on the track and field team and we have a set lifting plan that doesn't really include pull ups: mostly cleans, jerks, and snatches and some basic strength lifts like squats and benching.

I realize to be able to do them you have to incorperate them into your lifting plan. I write my own lifting workout during the summers and pull ups are definately on my list. Do you have any advice on reps and sets or any other advice that helped you be able to do pull ups? Thanks.
I've started to do them too. I have found that it is easier for me to do close grip (palms facing each other) chin ups. I'll then incorporate wide arm grip every now and then until I can do all wide arm grip.
If you want to get better at pullups, i'd personally say do them more than 1x weekly, so maybe twice a week.

There are various methods to help increase your pullup numbers. You could:

-If you can only do 4 pullups, you could set a target number (eg 12) and do as many sets as it takes to achieve this number

-Alternate between pullups & chinups (overhand & underhand grip)


-Use a spotter to get extra forced reps

There's a few of ways ;)
If you want to get better at pullups, i'd personally say do them more than 1x weekly, so maybe twice a week.

There are various methods to help increase your pullup numbers. You could:

-If you can only do 4 pullups, you could set a target number (eg 12) and do as many sets as it takes to achieve this number

-Alternate between pullups & chinups (overhand & underhand grip)


-Use a spotter to get extra forced reps

There's a few of ways ;)
I agree 100% on doing them twice a week and setting a rep goal. My goal is 24 reps and I tell you I was there forever one night doing 3 at a time. haha
I'd do:

3 sets of your max.

3 negatives of ten to twenty seconds.

3 more sets of assisted pullups.

This ought to beat the crap out of your biceps and lats.

I would alternate between chin ups and pull ups once in a while. It's slightly different but this way you wouldn't get bored of doing the same damn exercise all the time.

You could do this every other day and make sure you are in a slight surplus of calories. 3 times per week is fine IMO.

You could also isolate or do pull downs. Use variation but keep on working the same muscles with different angles.

I know your max is 4, but try doing 5...with everything you got and slow yourself down when you are on your last rep.
I currently train them, and I'm at the high 20's with a stall in between them. My advice, coming from experience and results:

Four is your max... so do intervals of 2... rest 20 seconds... do 2... rest 20 secs....etc. Do a total of approximately 10 sets.

Do that three times a week... followed by pull downs until failure.

After approximately two weeks you will see a change and your max should be approx. 5-6.

Also... when you fail at 4, what fails? Forearms? Biceps? Lats? .. etc... train that weakness separately, but on the same day, as your pull ups.
When I started 6 months ago, I was only able to do 3. I usually finish my work out with chin-ups, and I'm up to 15. I also do a lot of lat pull-downs, with the machine maxed out (170 lbs.) The trainer we had showed a technique kneeling on a bench and doing pull-ups, which is good for folks that aren't up to doing conventional ones. There aren't many exercises I know of that take the place of actual chin-ups. I've noticed that now that I'm older, weight training goals come a lot slower than they did 30 or 40 years ago!
tape a sheet of paper next to your pullup bar
write down the date and do a total of 24 pullups. write down "24 Pullups" next to the date

the next time you go to do pullups, try to do a total of 26.
write the date and the amount done.

as long as you are increasing the amount of total work done, you are getting stronger.

once you get to 60, add weight.
I've been weight training for years; but yet I'm not very good at pull ups. I tried yesterday and I could only do four on my own. .....

You are not doing too badly - many guys have been in the gym for years and years but can't do that many. The only way to get better at pullups is by doing pullups. If you don't have a routine yet that hits all the muscle groups, the 5x5 is an excellent one, includes pullups and chinups along with squats and deads.