training for my first 5k

I'm following some training programs i found online, they seem pretty reasonable and promise to turn me into a 5k runner in 8 weeks.

So its been 5 days and I'm following the schedule pretty rigorously, and have thrown in a session of 500skipping every morning. BUT I haven't started monitoring my diet yet.

I'm totally confused about what to do... because usually if i start 'dieting'... I pretty much starve myself for a couple of weeks... and i KNOW thats bad... so i stop.

I'm a non-vegetarian(Indian)... so if someone can help me out with a nice tasty diet... I'll be totally grateful :):)

Thanks a ton!!
That sounds a bit excessive. Does this program include actually running? I don't see how skipping 500 times is going to help you run 5k (unless you mean jump rope in which case it's sometimes a sub for running). Usually what most programs include is running for a certain about x times a week until you can run more than 5k (like 7, 8 k without getting tired). Hopefully you didn't have to pay for these "advices."

As for diet, it's probably ideally high carbs and protein that you want. Good for you that you're from India where there is a lot of bread products. So you can load up on Chicken (you can eat chicken right?) and lots of carbs like bread or something (not sure what they're called in India). My favorite night before running meal is loads of water, pasta, chicken, and spinach, tomato mix. Then on the morning, I usually eat a light breakfast since I'll crap my pants running if I eat a lot beforehand.
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hey dallen :)
yeah by skipping i DO mean jumping rope. and yes, this program DOES include actual running, the first week alternates 1min of walking with 1min of jogging(for 20 mins... thankfully i can comfortably complete it)... gradually the rataion of jogging time(to walking time increases)... claiming that at the end of 8 weeks i'll be able to jog 30mins straight!!
i just add in the skipping myself... cause i enjoy it :)
and thanks a ton for the diet guidance :):)
Good luck with the 5k, I completed my first 5k about 3 months ago after 1.5 months of training. It was a great feeling I hope you are progressing nicely.
I'm not too sure on you're starting fitness? But skipping will definately help increase your stamina regardless. Other than that, I would say get out and jog and jog for as long as you can. There is no need to go fast or anything, just pace yourself and build up endurance. Be sure to allow yourself a day or two to recover and get back to getting distance into your legs.
As far as training for a 5k, you just need to do what feels comfortable. Make sure you eat enough to fuel your runs and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Get in your car and map out a 1 mile course.

To start, I would stretch for a good 10 mins. Once you have stretched, get out and run as far as you can on that 1 mile course, but don't over do it. See how far you get and try to add on each time you run.

As far as a schedule, that really depends on each runner. If I do shorter runs (3-5 milers), I can do those pretty much every day. But anything over that, 6-15 milers, I need to take a day or two off in between. But once again, that's what is comfortable to me.

I would agree with Dallen on the diet, I usually taken in additional calories when I up my running. I normally like to eat some carbs before I run such as a whole wheat bagel or a banana.

I hope this helps.
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