Training for beginners

Hi everyone.

Well I keep trying to start exercising but I am so confused about it.

Even doing press ups makes me worried. I keep questioning the benefit of it and whether i am creating an imbalance in my body by not working out any other muscles.

Can someone give me some guidelines on excercising? I have dumbells and a barbell.
I don't want to build any muscle. I just want more endurance and strength. And i espcially don't want to create an imbalance in my body.

I would also like a guidelines on reps, sets, rest periods etc. I'd really appreciate it.
Ok a few points...if you want endurance lifting alone won't do it. you need to do edurance exercises like running, biking, walking, swimming, ect. next point...if you want to get stronger there will be some muscle growth. you might first tone up what you have but if you continue increasing weights your muscles will inevitably grow if you are providing enough food for them to.

What do you mean by an imbalance? If you are doing full body workouts and running/swimming/biking you will be making yourself healthy. are you worried about only working out certain sets of muscles and creating a strength imbalance?