Hi, I'm 18 years old, and have been working out for about a year every other day. I am very fit, and I'm 150 lbs. and can bench around 200. These last few months I've been gaining strength, but I'm not feeling sore whatsoever, no matter how hard I push my muscles. This is because they are so used to working out. My question is if I bench heavy one day, could I do a "lighter" chest workout the day after, along with all my other muscle groups. I would still get 24 hours of rest between workouts, but not the day in between that so many people seem to preach. I just want to get into the best physical shape possible for college soccer next year, and sometimes you have to do what no one else is doing to get ahead. THe bottom line is, can you work out the same muscle groups 5-6 days a week, but going heavy-low rep one day, and lighter medium rep the next. THanks so much.