training 7 days a week?

hey guys

So I've started training and I'm going 7 days a week. My goals are to lose a bunch of fat I have on my upper body and start gaining muscles. I do about 30 minutes of cardio every day plus weights for specific groups.

So I have a couple questions;

Right now I'm alternating between muscle groups so don't work the same ones everyday. This is probably the good move, but can I work the same muscles everyday? I am working the same groups multiple times a week still, just not back to back.

Is it fine to hit the gym 7 times a week or is it to much? I have the motivation and time to do it and I want results.

should I perhaps only lift 5 days a week and do just straight cardio on the 2 other days?

If you can give me an tips or thoughts about this I'd be very appreciative. I really want to get into shape and I have no problem putting in any amount of work for the results.
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Probably just lift three times a week if you do full body workouts, or four times a week if you do some sort of split.

You should start with full body workouts probably, check the stickies at the top of the weight training section for links to some popular ones.
I agree that full-body resistance 3x/wk is probably best if you're only starting out. It's great that you've got the motivation to train daily, but so early on, you're much more likely to injure yourself or burn yourself out. If you really want to do something every day, I'd recommend a microcycle like this:

Mon: Resistance Training (RT)
Tue: Gym cardio (CV)
Wed: RT
Thu: CV
Fri: RT
Sat and Sun: Go bushwalking, hiking, swimming or take the dog for a walk.