Toxins in fat?


New member
I've read around that when a person loses weight, the toxins normally dissolved in fat (like pesticides or whatever other bad stuff you ate) get released. Is there any truth to this? Does anyone have experiences with it?
You've been watching medical shows, haven't you? I believe that's one of those things that's possible, but really, really rare. It's not like every person who loses weight winds up in the hospital with pesticide poisoning. I doubt the average person has dangerous toxins stored in their fat.

Think of it this way, your body (specifically your liver) is designed to rid your body of toxins. Why would it store those in your fat when there is a perfectly good way of getting rid of them?
Think of it this way, your body (specifically your liver) is designed to rid your body of toxins. Why would it store those in your fat when there is a perfectly good way of getting rid of them?

Well, isn't it true that marijuana is detectable in a persons body up to 30 days due to some chemical getting absorbed into fat cells? Just thinking, there are some toxins that definitely do get stored in fat.

Anyways, I think any toxins released while losing weight would not be at a level to cause concern. As said, the body is pretty good at ridding itself of toxins.
Fat cells do play a role of storing some things that come into your body (drugs for instance) - for instance this is why why larger people need larger doses of anaesthesia and take longer to come round from being under.

That said, I wouldn't worry because, as mizzie said, it's a rare occurance for foreign chemicals stored in your fat to be released in doses high enough to have any effect on you.
Don't forget, you have this wonderful thing called a "Liver" which gets rid of toxins- best thing? its totally free of charge- just add water!