ive been trying to diet for weeks now, ive heard that its hard to diet during the holidays but now there about over, and even during this season only a couple days like new years and christmas actually had large amounts of food to be eaten. anyway, i go to sleep late and wake up late, so i usually miss breakfast, and i wait until lunch to eat something small like a bowl of cereal, then i make it a couple more hours and start gettin a feeling of wanting to eat something, not necessarily hungry but just wanting to eat, but i try to avoid it because i feel like if i eat almost nothing it will speed up my weight loss. I just try to achieve some large amount of weight loss in one day, and once i think to myself that thats impossible i just give up start eating tons of food again. I dont think that i would make it very many days eating small meals like that and because of that i give up very easily. I also feel like if i eat small meals throughout the day like all diets say it wouldnt help me lose a pound. I am not hungry very often and i usually sit around the house trying to think of something other than food, even if it is the normal time to eat something, like lunch or dinner, i wont eat unless i am hungry. If i diet like this i would probably end up eating 400-500 calories a day. I know that that would end up with worse results than eating a healthier diet, but i feel that if i went for the 4-6 small meals a day i wouldnt lose noticible weight for months...im lost, any advice here?