total doer for £5.00 (not too sure in $ )

Hi, im from UK here. on ebay i purchased a total doer machine for £5.00 i think thats equivilent to 9.20946 USD lol. its fully working, obvviously its not cracked or nothing dodgy or any squeeky noise but i just need help on the '13 different excercises' it claims it can do? i looked at video, its short and nothing.

:( but for $9 i think its pretty cheap :D
it's can lean to the right, to the left, lean forward, lean forward and slightly left, lean forward and slightly right, etc, just different angles to hit your abs
thane direct are nice people, i emailed them asking if i could have the manual sent via email, instead they asked my address and they sent one fre of charge, recieved on fri :D

quite a nice machine it is :cool: