Sport Top 20 Foods per MF

Sport Fitness
In Mens Fitness Mag for Apr they rated the top 20 foods that you can eat. Here they are:

20. Turkey Breast
19. Olive Oil
18. Quinoa
17. Black Beans
16. Green Tea
15. Eggs *Best Muscle Food*
14. Milk
13. Water *Best Weight Loss Food*
12. Sweet Potato
11. Soy
10. Beef
9. Whole Wheat Bread
8. Almonds
7. Yogurt
6. Spinach
5. Broccoli
4. Tomatoes *Best Sexual Health Food*
3. Oatmeal *Best Disease Fighting Food*
2. Blueberries *Best Brain Food*
1. Salmon
Top 20

JMO, but they should have had water rated a lot higher.
I'm gonna go into their reasons why and how much. P/W=per week P/D=per day
There is obviously a lot more info that I didnt feel like typing.

20. Turkey---9oz p/w---Protein, b vit, zinc, and selenium
19. Olive Oil---2tbsp p/d---mono unsat fat, reduce heart risk
18. Quinoa---1 to 1 1/2 cup p/w---protein, unsat fats, fiber, b vit
17. Black beans---2 cups p/w---fiber, slow burn carbs, protein
16. Green Tea---1-3 cups p/d---fights almost all medical illnesses
15. Eggs---3-7 p/w---amino acids, choline
14. Milk---3 cups p/d---helps burn fat
13. Water---64oz p/d---flushes toxins, body temp control, joints, minerals
12. Sweet Pota---1 p/w---beta carotene, iron, vit C&E, muscle recovery
11. Soy---2 cups p/w---protein, fiber, antioxidants, vit, minerals
10. Beef---9-12 oz p/w---amino acid, iron, zinc, vit b6&12, selenium, niacin, riboflavin, phosphorous (buy ones wiith round or top in name)
9. Bread---6 slices p/w---feel full, long lasting energy
8. Almonds---1.5 oz p/w---protein, fiber, vit E, heart, digestion, skin
7. Yogurt---3 cup p/d---prevent sickness, calcium
6. Spinach---2-3 cup p/w---fiber, calcium, beta carotene
5. Broccoli---1.5 cup p/w---iron, calcium, fiber, vit C
4. Tomatoes---4 cup p/w---lycopene
3. Oatmeal---1-2 cup p/w---zinc, fiber
2. Blueberries---1 cup p/w---fiber, vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants, helps memory
1. Salmon---9-12 oz p/w---omega 3, polyunsat fat, protein
Is this simple for "overall" health?

I eat a lot more than they recommend in quite a few of those categories.
i agree with the stuff on that list although i'm a vegetarian. i normally eat all the other items on a regular basis though. and i'd like to add flax seed to the list.
I have like, talipa and chicken breast everyday. And like 2L of milk.

Damnit I am doing more stuff wrong..
