Too much weight loss help!!

I'm 4'11", weighing in between 90-100 pounds (the 95-100 is when im menstruating unfortunately, so it goes right away, and yes its normal, i already asked my gyno). I know I'm not underweight, my primary and gyno doctors both told me, I have very petite bone structure, so being between 90-100 is normal for my height, i just have a fast metabolism.

I want to start working out, because as thin as I am, i'm still loose. I want to be toned and have definition, perk up the chest (i've breastfed two children, women would understand!! lol) and perk up the booty! But when I tried workin at the gym in the weight room, in matter what, i would lose and lose more weight...I ate 3 large meals a day, and still I'd lose...I dont know what I'm doing wrong.

I dont want to gain fat, i just want to maintain 95-105 pounds, and be defined and toned. Without being able to see my bones!!! =(

What foods are rich in what i need to beat my fast metabolism...I've tried eating all day, and I just can't i get bloated and cant move, let alone work out! Any tips? What exercises i should be doing, what i shouldnt be doing...and the same with eating...what should I eat and what should i stay away from.

The small 6 meals a day thing only makes me lose weight too because it sets my metabolism into overdrive! I know when I'm 45, i'll be lucky and happy to have this metabolism, but at 23...I'm just disgusted with it!

Please message me with any helpful tips!! thank you!

Eat a lot (not the best because trust me, no matter how fast your metabolismo is, you don't want to have a high body fat %) and this is probably your 1st problem.

2nd would be to start a resistance training program. To me the best option, you can start with bodyweight exercises and then use some equipment like swiss ball, dumbbells and bands. Or you could join a gym and I still recomend bodyweight, swiss ball and dumbbells.

This is a quote from an article I read recently
Weight lifting, being one of the best weight bearing exercises you can do, will increase your bone density and help ward off osteoporosis or stress fractures in the future.

Many people think running is the best exercise for increasing bone density, but this isn’t necessarily true. If the truth is told, running actually promotes muscle breakdown in the body, while weight lifting, being an anabolic process, helps to promote the building of tissues.

Therefore, weight lifting is going to be much better at preserving your bone density, not to mention it’s far less impact than going for an hour run.

Reduction of Health Related Risks

Numerous studies have demonstrated that regular weight training can have a positive effect on health by showing reductions in the rate of insulin resistance, blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.

If you couple a solid weight training program then with a well-thought out diet, you’ll be putting your best foot forward at warding off these chronic problems

Prevention of Fat Gain = Tone Muscles

When you lift weights,your metabolism will be higher towards using more fat and building muscle mass, thus the more food you can eat while maintaining your body fat %.

Now, with all of this said, one big problem many people run into is the thinking pattern that using a muscle building program will make you big and bulky.

This is most certainly not the case.

Let’s look at an analogy to gain an understanding of this.

Pretend you have two teams and each are going to try and build a house using the exact same building technique.

One team is given 10,000 bricks to construct this house, and the second team is given only 1,000 bricks.

Who’s going to build the bigger house?

The choice should be obvious – team one since they have more bricks to build it with.

Now, think of those bricks as being the calories you put into your body. Unless you’re supplying enough calories, you aren’t going to build really big muscles. This is precisely what makes bodybuilders look like bodybuilders.

It’s not just about the way they train, but more about the way they eat (if you’ve ever had a teenage son in the growing process in your house, you likely know just how much food must be consumed when growing at rapid rates).

Whether it’s growing in height during puberty or trying to build bigger muscles later on, calories must be supplied for this growth process to take place.

You can’t build a house out of nothing. Likewise, you can workout all you want, but if those building blocks – in the form of amino acids, carbohydrates, and dietary fats are not there, you aren’t going to see too much muscle growth.

So, don’t get caught thinking that just because you add weight lifting to your workouts, you’re going to develop large bulky muscles. If you control your diet, this simply will not happen.

So, hopefully it is clear now that just because you’re weight lifting, it does not mean you will end up with bulky muscles as a result. Many people make this incorrect assumption – but it really is the diet that makes all the difference in how this weight lifting will shape your body.

Not choosing to include weight training as part of your current workout program is without-a-doubt the biggest mistake you could make as far as your long-term health and fitness level is concerned. Don’t let this exercise pass you by any longer.

You need to eat balanced and have lots of high calorie and high nutrient foods. Also try to get lots of rest, I know this is probably dificult, but you can start with short workouts 4 to 6 exercises.

The weight will come if you train, eat and rest correctly, and you are 4'11 you don't need aa lot of weight on you.

I hope this helps

I would agree with everything above.
If you are working out and still dont seem to gain the wieght you want I would recomend a gainer supplement.
I take one with my workouts and I don't gain any fat from it so don't worry about that.
Eat work out eat!
Good luck with everything
Eat more, eat often and eat things that are healthy but have a high calorie concentration. Try eating 5 or 6 meals a day every 3-4 hours and eat before bed.

Try to catalog a normal day of eating to see what your calorie intake is while you are maintaining weight and when you are losing (this is not a 1 or 2 day process).
Does anybody know of any websites where i can track calories and best exercises, kinda like an online trainer almost?? might be easier for me ..if not i will definitely do the recording everything i eat and work outs i do. not all foods come with calories and carbs and stuff written on it. so it'd be nice to have a tracker or something that new about many calories and stuff everything is...i know i must be a pain in the ass, but im clueless when it comes to certain things...and the gym i did attend when i could afford it, the trainers there were just as clueless as me.
yup, I used to us


It's fun to keep track of everything and they provide graph for your weight and stuff.
Fitday is what I use too. Tracks cals, nutrients, vitamins, etc. The only thing I'm somewhat curious about is the cals it says are burned per hour for certain activities. Some seem too high, some seem too low.

Almost been curious enough a couple of times to try the pay version...Almost.:beerchug: