Sport Too much protein?

Sport Fitness
I'm not too sure how to ration my protein.

This is what I have:

ON Instantized 100% whey godstandard protein (protein shake)
double rich chocolate flavor


Premier nutrition Protein (high protein bars)

Ok so... I just picked up the shake form of it. It has 24g of protein per serving (one scoop). The protein bars on the other hand have 30-31g of protein. How much protein is good for me? How much is overdoing it? When to take either? Should I only take one?

Heres a link to my workout:

Also, anyone know if I mix this "chocolate" protein powder into a berry smoothie if it will be the same / affect the taste of the smoothie?

Any suggestions?
That's fine. Some people will suggest even more. I personally don't even get more than 50g on a normal day. Mainly because I don't use supplements. Waste of money.
I try to get like 250g a day. Protein is important I wouldn't worry about getting to much of it, worry about getting a good blance of fats and carbs.
you cant have too much protien, when bulking alot of people recoomend doubling your bodywiehgt in grams of protien. you should atleast match your bodyweight if your trying to build mass.
Whey protein is well worth the money. Make sure to get 30 to 40g in you after you workout and mixing it with berries too for your simple carb. Lean protein is our good friend try to add it to every meal of the day.
1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass if you are trying to get stronger. If you are only concerned about weight loss and not what new powers you get than .5 to .75 grams per lb of lean body mass will suffice. Less than that and you will hinder progress. I would really need to know your goals to give you a good answer but 1g per lean lb is the best general rule of thumb
jayarosie said:
To much protein does turn to fat! To much of anything is not good.
You beat me to it.
Yes, aim for about 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass (body weight minus fat) for cutting...feel free to go a bit over this when bulking.
get protein at every meal, usually 20g minimum for men, 15g minimum for women

skip the bars...too many other things added to it to make it taste better.

Also a whey powder is better when it has a blend of casein and/or egg (albumen) protein added. Whey is the fastest absorbing protein, and that's why it's great post workout. For the rest of the day, the added casien will make it digest slower...a more 'sustained release' protein if you will.
malkore said:
skip the bars...too many other things added to it to make it taste better.

or make your own bars:

1/2 cup skim milk
3 cups whole grain oats
6 scoops whey protien
1/2 cup peanut butter

mix the all together put it in a small pan with some splenda or sugar in the raw on top and stick in in the fridge...
cut it into 8 protein bars w/ like 30g protein in each. drink w/ milk = heaven.
research using up to 1.3 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight showed no adverse effects in healthy individuals. ;)
It's only possible for me to have, AT THE MOST, around 70g of protein a day, surely this will suffice, considering I weight around 120kg and am trying to bulk up? Replies of eat more do not help, note the fact I said 'at the most'.
ade0x said:
It's only possible for me to have, AT THE MOST, around 70g of protein a day, surely this will suffice, considering I weight around 120kg and am trying to bulk up? Replies of eat more do not help, note the fact I said 'at the most'.

First off, don't hijack someone else's thread...start your own.

Second, don't expect much if you're only willing to eat 70g of protein a day. You need to eat to gain mass. If you can't/won't do it, then that's the end of the story. Move along.
So... Being that I am 235, I should be GRUBBIN DOWN on the protein stuff eh? Where does 1 go to get it? Is there a "best" of it? Oh yea, WHAT IS IT? I mean I know what protein is, but I've heard this "whey" thrown around alot... Help Me = Stupid! (atleast on these kinda topics)

I'm lookin to thin out alot... My actualy weight I think is about right (I'm 6.4') but I want more muscle and ALOT less flab. So... Yea (Not tryin to Hijack thine thread, just adapt it to my question too)
If your in the US try very cheap and good. If i was not in canada i'd be getting it. Try the blends or 20/30. The isoalte is not really necessary in my opinion.
Keep in mind that I said lean body mass. Not total bodyweight. Now, if you are 235 lbs of solid and shred man muscle, then yes. You would need 235 grams of protein a day to properly maintain that muscle mass. If you are an obese fellow than 190 might be more appropriate. I do not know what you look like but be honest with yourself. If you are 20 pounds of muscle and 115 lbs of flab dont run to the gnc and tell them you need to feed your pythons whith quality product. I have seen it and it looks silly.

Whey is a high quality protein as it has more amino acids in it so it is called a more complete protein. As there is no such thing as a complete complete protein whey is called the highest quality except that the body digests it too quickly and then the body is starving for protein again and begins to eat its own muscle again. So now bodybuilders go looking for slower proteins in the form of probolic supplements and save whey for times when protein is needed immediately like after eight hours of sleep or after a workout.

All this is really kinda an advanced idea I tend not to bother people with until they have been counting proteins for a while and are looking to get better at it.

Good ways to load up on protein are to eat tuna from the can, eggs, protein shakes and chicken breasts which will make your quota a world easier.
too much protein

"Eating excess protein led to lower testosterone levels. Recommended level is 1.2 to 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight". [Satillinen, J., et al. (2004). Relationship between diet and serum anabolic hormone responces to heavy resistence exercise in men. Int. J Sports Medicine. 25: 1-7]