too much cardio?

Hey there! Back from a little holiday... with yet another question! ;)
Could one possibly do too much cardio? With the body not complaining so much... the legs may be fatigued but not very sore.. and doing cardio like twice a day or so (lets say 40 mins each), with no real resting day in between. Are there any disadvantages? Joints maybe? Or can you do as much cardio as you like to as long as you give your body some rest when it "asks" for it (ie. sore legs and stuff)? Merci!
Lots of cardio means burning a lot of muscle (that's why endurance runners tend to look "scrawny") and is pretty tough on the joints. Endurance runners often have to get knee replacements at a much younger age than the average person.

On the flipside, it gives you a youthful look and can prolong your life significantly (probably from all the HGH production and proper breathing).
In my opinion you should have at least two days off a week from cardio. Whether you do strength training or some other physical activity. I mean likke mowing the lawn, I tell you that gives you a workout. But your body does need rest or you will suffer burn out I did and it took me a month to recover so DO NOT over do it!
I perform fasted cardio 7 days per week while cutting and still maintain muscle. The key to manipulating your diet accordingly.
I thought I could try to do cardio at that rate until my body signals me to stop, but somehow I seem to recover (not fully, that is, a little fatigue stays in the legs) well enough to go on like this.
I will change it soon, though. I'll do cardio only once a day and add some more strength training again. Although I'm pretty content with my muscles and would rather burn some fat.. do muscles burn significantly more when they've been "busy"?