Too much bulk in my calves!


New member
I've become overweight in the past two years, but something I've always dealt with have been my calves. They are about 16" around at the largest point and amazingly it's all muscle! My dad used to make me do a LOT of yard work and lifting and hauling when I was little. I was able to press 420lbs with my legs in high school! I've tried stretching, and have ridden horses for forever (constant stretch with heels down), and NOTHING is helping make these muscles lean! Can anyone help me?
Im not sure exactly what you are asking? Are you asking to get rid of what calve muscles you do have.... I hate to be a negative nancy here but 420lbs leg press or even calf press is not that much.
.... I hate to be a negative nancy here but 420lbs leg press or even calf press is not that much.

For a female that likely goes about 130 lbs by her pic?

I'd say that was pretty impressive.

I'd also say the majority of people around here wouldn't mind having that problem of their calves being too large. :)
When one diets, they lose some muscle mass. So, if you really wanted to lose weight, but still reduce the size of your calves- try this:

-Do all upper body exercises, ab exercises.
-No running. No leg exercises at all, except for inner thigh exercises.
-Have a fantastic food diet- low protein. (Muscles are fed by protein)
-Reduce your walking so that your muscle atrophy and become smaller. But make up for it by doing other exercises.

You can do it another way. Go on a regular diet, lose all the weight, then focus on your calves by cutting the protein, exercise on upper body and maintain your weight.

The only way to shrink a muscle is to not use it and not to feed it well. I have big muscular calves too, and they have reduced in size since I lost 20 pounds- even though all of it is muscle and even though I have exercised a lot. Maybe it's becoming more lean (stronger inside, but shrinking in size) I don't know if this would be true in your case.

Have you ever been thin and still have large calves?

I appreciate the advice! I'll definitely try the diet and pilates to lengthen the muscles and only working my upperbody.

I've always had large calves regardless of my weight as a result of yard work with my dad. He'd have me carting around hundreds of pounds of concrete when we redid our patio and things like that. I was too young to want to take the time to stretch and I didn't know any better. I don't like to jog (I used to be a sprinter and it's hard to slow the movements down for me and it feels akward) so I always used to ride my bike. I was able to lose 20lbs one summer from that when I was in high school, but again, it built my calves up because I didn't realize I needed to stretch!

I will definitely start with the advice you gave me and I'll let ya'll know how it's going!
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I have the same problem. I did some research and I am testing out different workouts. You can go to my tumblr and check it out. And I would love some feedback. And I have tried less leg exercises because I pretty much did nothing during my 4 years in college in terms of physical activities lol. So I am trying to do a lot of waking for a long period of time everyday.