Too goodlooking - it's distracting!


New member
I hope this doesn't sound shallow but I've just met a new co-worker & he is so hot! One of the hottest guys I've ever seen and it's so distracting! :eek:
I mean this is work and he is married (so am I)...I feel guilty for being so distracted!

What do think I should do? Should I avoid looking at him! :confused:
You say you're both married? Then yes to your question.
Oh hun, advoid him at all costs! NO Man or woman, is worth breaking up a marriage. Do either of you have children? You need to think how it will effect them.
I think what you need to do is tell your husband. He might be initially offended, but it would be the right thing to do, and ultimately it could just be a matter of time before you discover what a royal prick, liar, and cheat that other dude could be... So don't reduce yourself to that level.
LOL fromfat2fit.

Really I'm not thinking about doing anything or even feel like I'm falling for this guy or anything. :D I just find it difficult to concentrate on what I'm saying when I talk to him! Has anyone else ever had the problem of a hot co-worker? I feel guilty that I'm viewing him this way, he has a mind too, but I don't think it's totally unheard of to effected by hot guys when you're married, it's not like I'm going to jump in the cleaning closet! :D
I'm not feel free to disregard anything I say b/c what do I know? lol But....I say, you're married, not blind. You can't help but see the guy. You're human, but you and I both know anything other than looking is wrong. I'd say switch the roles and imagine how you'd feel if a hot babe were working in your husband's office and he felt this way. How would you want him to act in this situation? Ok...there you go. See, that wasn't hard. :)

No, but really...I try to look at it from the other side. Would I be pissed off if my boyfriend (that I don't have) did this, that or the other? If so, then that answers the question about how to act.

Best of luck to you. :)
I've had this happen...

Just this past summer, I started a new job and Mr Hottie walked in. I was discombobulated to say the least and he knew it. He would come in and have fun with me. It was nothing malicious, just good fun, but still, I would turn red, count out money incorrectly, trip over my words, the whole 9 yards. But I eventually got over it and now I can act like a normal human being around him.

My advise is take a deep breath and remember he's just a guy, hot, but still, just a guy!

Remember what your momma said...

You can look, just don't touch. If you touch it, you may break it. If you break it, then you have to pay for it. And believe me, you will be paying for it...
But....I say, you're married, not blind.

I agree with this!!!! If you're marriage is strong and your husband is understanding, then NOTHING should get in the way of that. Talk about it with him, maybe you two will have a good laugh about it.
Preston's look but no touchy is a good rule to go by...

but what do I know, I'm still single..... *ahem* ladies? lol


just to clarify, and ammend Preston's rule.
The Look no touch rule only applies to the unsingle.... :D
Preston's look but no touchy is a good rule to go by...

but what do I know, I'm still single..... *ahem* ladies? lol


just to clarify, and ammend Preston's rule.
The Look no touch rule only applies to the unsingle.... :D

I see you're at it again...trying to start more trouble are ya? Go sit down somewhere!! :p
lol, seriously though.

There is a trust issue between married people that I believe shouldn't be messed with. If you can't control yourself, yeah, avoid this person at all costs... that is of course if you value your relationship with your husband.
Nothing happened (I don't think). Just because the guy is cute, doesn’t mean you can’t dream about it.
But If someone is cute and you don’t have naughty thoughts, then you might as well be dead.
Married or not, you are human and having a thought doesn’t mean your going to "do it”.
I do think things are better left alone. Defiantly keep the respect of your husband,
and you don’t want bad vibes at work :p
Just don't act on it (dream) :D
Another singler here.. but..
Never stop looking.. but don't let it get out of hand. Respect your hubby, would you want him going gah gah over the hot blonde at work? Probably not.

Remember, trust is a delicate thing.
I dont see anything wrong with looking i mean I do it my husband does it im sure your husband does it to.

If you hate not being able to concrate then walk up to him and as nice as yo ucan say "excuse me this may sound odd but I feel so decrated around you would you mind waging this paper bag when your around me? Thanks"
Ok that wouldnt work im sorry im no help I guess you would eather try to stay away or deal with it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with appreciating attractiveness. It doesn't mean you're a bad person or would ever so much as touch the guy. I think that most people do it, but won't necessarily admit to it.

I'm in a serious and committed relationship, but I still admire attractive women. I don't leer or stare or make comments, I just think `What a beautiful woman', then go about my day.

Like Mike says above, if you don't feel you can control yourself, keep away, but I think that you're having a natural reaction to a strikingly attractive person.