Sport Tons of questions

Sport Fitness
Hi all,

I'm not 100% sure if this is the right place to post this but I need to clear some things up...I got thinking about it at the gym yesterday and I could be completely off here but here goes.

When you eat food the amount of calories you consume is decided by their macro breakdown(carbs*5 + protein*5 + fats*9). When you put your body under strain(weight training or cardio) you're body needs to create ATP and depending on your level on intensity it uses a different system.

On light activities it uses the fat system, using our fat stores and oxegen the body fuels itself. Heavier activities it goes for your glycogen, and glycogen is a complex carb thats in the body manufactured when carbs are burned. Creatine is used under extreme heavy loading and usually we have abour 3-5 secs worth of it in the body without supplementation. This is anaerobic as it doesnt require oxygen.

When your body 'creates' ATP it uses a lot of water to do so, so in heavy lifting(and use of creatine supplements) a lot of water needs to be added to your system as otherwise it can lead to dehydration.

Here's where my questions start:)
If you got up first thing in the morning, without eating and lifted heavily what would happen?

I'd imagine with low glyocogen stores your body would go straight for the fat stores but as these take longer to burn, would it would lead to feeling tired?

When people talk about slow and fast burning carbs, does this mean just that the meal takes longer/shorter to break down into its macro nutrients?

How much of your workout depends on the meals you've had before you've gone to the gym? Basically I'm wondering if you eat at 7am, 10, 1, 4 and train at 6 can your body utilise the energy its been supplied it from 7am?

With regards to glycogen stores, do you have a maximum amount whereby if you keep eating your body metoblises and then stores as fat?

Thanks a lot!