Toning arms. ( Muscle ontop just sag alittle)

Hellooo. Ive been doing weights and cardio but for the next few weeks im working on toning/cardio. I know to tone you need to do alot of light weights but im wondering how many reps do I need to do for it to be a good amount. Do I just choose a light weight and try to do like 150 or something?

Hey, I think you should aim in the range of 8-15 reps per set to tone. Remember to keep your diet in check and not gain a lot of weight =]
150? thats a bit extreme. I'd shoot for anywhere from 12-16 reps within 3-5 sets. Use enough weight so that you do feel resistance, but not enough weight that you're struggling to get the weight up. While toning you'll probably also gain more muscle in the process.

I've noticed that my gains have been faster doing it this way, but I'm in no way getting stronger as fast as I was when I was using heavy weight/less reps. I did that 3 years ago and look wise I didn't change much, but I was much much stronger. Now this time around (got out of the loops for a while) I'm doing less weight and more reps and noticing I'm getting bigger and more cut, but not getting nearly as strong as I was. It's all up to what you want out of your body.
kk thanks bud. damn I may need to use a bigger gym then because I can do like 10-15 of nearly the highest weigth. lol. SO if I was to build muscle how many reps would you say?
im by no means a pro at this stuff, so take everything i say with a grain of salt. if you want to build optimum muscle mass, protein at every meal, and moderate to heavy weight with slower, less reps.
Oki thanks bud but how many reps should you do for building muscle? Just so I can see what weigth I should be lifting at this moment. :D
Oki thanks bud but how many reps should you do for building muscle? Just so I can see what weigth I should be lifting at this moment. :D

for building muscle im pretty sure its moderate/heavy weight with slower/less reps. between 6-10 reps sounds right.
for building muscle im pretty sure its moderate/heavy weight with slower/less reps. between 6-10 reps sounds right.

Weird you say that because last time I went to the gym I started doing slow/less reps and its great for my arms. If I was to do slow reps of 10-15 would my arms eventually loose fat?

Yes lighter but more to burn the fat. I think. To be honest I only just started working out but yer I have been told this :)

You can't 'tone' a muscle.

What you mean is losing body fat so that there is a smaller layer of fat over the muscle, hence it is more defined and firm. Lifting weights creates stronger muscles.
oki. Might get these :
