Toning and diet


New member
Hello, im new here, im 17 and im not overweight but im heavier than i'd like to be. Now the main thing im trying to work on is correcting my diet and toning my tummy and legs.

I read somewhere that running helps tone the front of the legs and running the back. is this true?

Also, whats the best way to tone my stomach? Just crunches etc?

now my diet is all over the place and i have a few problems seeing as im not a fan of fruit or veg :leaving:

Im a massive cheese and pasta fan so i know this is one thing i have to correct. so heres a normal day for me.

Breakfast: Cereal (wheetos) or nutella on toast! (i know i know its terrible)

Lunch: is normally a sandwich, either cheese and ham and soft cheese, or just cheese. or a bowl of tuna and cottage cheese mixed together.

Dinner: Almost always pasta. If not then egg sausage and chips or pizza or something like that.

And snacks are usually a bowl of cottage cheese or salami. Not a fan of crisps or anything really.

So as you can see i need a guideline on what i should be eating really.

Im new to all this so counting calories and stuff will be a bit tough.

Sorry its so long!!

thanks guys! x
Spend some time reading the stickied threads in nutrition, on topic and exercise.

Get an account at and work on keepin track of your calories.