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Any Tolkien fans here? I love Lord of the Rings .. I think it's my favourite book of all time. I like the films too though not as much; think that Jackson did a good job tho. I'd love to talk with fellow fans of either ... or even critics!
I liked the hobbit- the lord of hte rings trilogy i couldn't get thru the second chapter of book 1 - and i walked out of the first movie... (I also hated titanic so I'm not a fan of blockbusters :D
I love the Lord of the Rings.

Fellowship of the Ring is my favorite movie of all time.

I noticed most fans seem to favor The Two Towers over all others and thats understandable because of the iconic Battle of Helms Deep (Hornburg) but something about FOTR just does it for me and gives me that magical feeling inside.
I also hated titanic so I'm not a fan of blockbusters :D

i have to say i LOVED titanic. the first time i saw it i was on a date when i was like 13 i think. or somewhere around there, and i was crying so much... lol

im a definite chick flick girl at heart <3

I tried reading lord of the rings and the hobbit but i couldn't finish them. My genre of choice would be autobiographies/memoirs. I love my fact!
I don't like TTT .. films or, strangely, the book. Or, I don't like them anywhere near as much as I like the first and third of each. And the elves shouldn't have been at Helm's Deep! :D