To skinny?


New member
Hey im Austin im 14 years old 5 foot 9 and used to weight about 108 kgs now i weigh 71.I look really thin well not that thin just a little bit but i rerally want to see my abbs by geting my fat % down is there a way i can do this without loosing muscle? I plan to see my abs then once they are showing i plan to strength train to get a good looking body i need some tips? :hurray:
You're still pretty is not really the time to be doing a restrictive type of diet, at your age just make sure you are eating healthy and are active and your body should do the rest for you (read the stickied posts in the nutrition and exercise forum). Normally, to lower body fat% while retaining muscle one has to be dieting and lifting weights, but at your age since your body is growing fast lowering your calories is not a good idea at all. What I'm trying to say is since you are so young if you eat healthy and stay active your body is going to burn off all that fat you don't need anyways. No need to wait to strength train by the way, just make sure you have someone show you the ropes so you don't injure yourself. Do it right and by the time you're in university you're going to have a pretty awesome physique.
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I think the gist is that you should be focusing on exercising and not on dieting. The problem with doing very restrictive dieting in your age is that your body really needs its nutrients to you know... grow... and we're not just talking muscle... its also your brain and organs and such so... if you want to be all ribbed and such you should really focus on exercise and eat enough food, instead of dieting.

If bulking is your goal then do more resistance training and less cardio, if running a bazillion miles is your goal then run :)
So wih me at my age all i have to do is just eat heatlhy and be active and the results will come....thats awsome so just eat what i have to to grow and exersize.