Sport To much protien?

Sport Fitness
Hi I am just wondering if taking in to much protien in 1 meal will cause fat gain.

Like if i have a tuna sandwich on wheat bread, 1 can and a protien shkae with 40grams in it, is that to much? If so how long should I wait before I can take in a shake...
You gain fat when you consume more calories than you burn in a day. Protein is less likely to become fat if you have an active workout routine. If you are lifting weights, then that protein will become muscle. However, if you are not exercising with a focus on muscle building, then the extra calories will become fat.
You gain fat when you consume more calories than you burn in a day. Protein is less likely to become fat if you have an active workout routine. If you are lifting weights, then that protein will become muscle. However, if you are not exercising with a focus on muscle building, then the extra calories will become fat.

Ah ok cool! I guess I am all set then...I usally tear it up good at the gym and workout superset style!
I dont think you shoudl rely on that post. No matter how hard you weight train too much protein will be converted into fat, theres only so much the body can utilise at a time, if you think 50 or so grams is being added to your muscles your kidding yourself :eek:

Im curious as to how much protein you have a day?
The calories from protein will only be converted to fat in the event there is a surplus of calories and the body doesnt need those calories. In addition, the body machine is a wonderful mechanic, it will also convert protein into FUEL for its various uses---dependent upon the nutritional and caloric balances. Law of caloric balances.......determines fat storage, and this is the bottom line. On healthy individuals without any type medical conditions (ie, Thyroid, ect)
Notice that I did say that extra calories ARE converted to fat. It doesn't mean you can eat all you want. Yes, I should have been more specific and stated that as well. Sorry about that.
basic day 4-5 protien shakes
chicken 2 times a day
tuna once if chicken twice
i just eat man i never measure
basic day 4-5 protien shakes

IMO...WWWWAAAAYYYYY too many protein shakes. You should be having 1 maybe 2 at most per day. Try to get the rest of your protein from whole food sources like more chicken/turkey, fish (salmon/orange roughy/tilapia), cottage cheese, quinoa, and eggs. All are sources of complete proteins, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids the body requires.

Try to guestimate the amounts or protein you are having with each meal. You should get about 1 to 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight a day if you are trying to maintain/build mass. It's really important to at least have some idea of quantities of calories and their breakdown to be able to achieve any goal.
Eggs are the best, it's the best absorbed protein you can get. Actually, the egg whites have all of the protein, so you can separate the from the egg yolk. I hard boil them. 1-3, 20-25 gram protein shakes is probably the most you want to go. Remember, protein shakes are just to give you the protein you're not getting in your diet. 1.8 g of protein per pound of body weight is the most you should probably go, after that, your body doesn't use it as effectively. Meaning it turns to fat or it moves down through the digestive tract and out it goes. Don't neglect carbs as your body will start depleting protein as an energy source which isn't a good substitute because you can begin to get a little fuzzy or dizzy. Also, if you're taking in a ton of protein and no carbs, your just burning all of that protein off, which burns off a lot faster than carbs.
Eggs are the best, it's the best absorbed protein you can get. Actually, the egg whites have all of the protein, so you can separate the from the egg yolk. I hard boil them. 1-3, 20-25 gram protein shakes is probably the most you want to go. Remember, protein shakes are just to give you the protein you're not getting in your diet. 1.8 g of protein per pound of body weight is the most you should probably go, after that, your body doesn't use it as effectively. Meaning it turns to fat or it moves down through the digestive tract and out it goes. Don't neglect carbs as your body will start depleting protein as an energy source which isn't a good substitute because you can begin to get a little fuzzy or dizzy. Also, if you're taking in a ton of protein and no carbs, your just burning all of that protein off, which burns off a lot faster than carbs.

thanks thats good read right there!
1.8 g of protein per pound of body weight is the most you should probably go, after that, your body doesn't use it as effectively. Meaning it turns to fat or it moves down through the digestive tract and out it goes..

Its actually quite accepeted that 1.8g per kg is around the max. Your right that too much will turn to fat, but it doesnt get thrown out the digestive tract.

Also, if you're taking in a ton of protein and no carbs, your just burning all of that protein off, which burns off a lot faster than carbs.

What do you mean by burn off faster? Beacuse carbs provide the quickest source of energy from the macronutrients.
Its actually quite accepeted that 1.8g per kg is around the max. Your right that too much will turn to fat, but it doesnt get thrown out the digestive tract.

What do you mean by burn off faster? Beacuse carbs provide the quickest source of energy from the macronutrients.

I don't know what I was thinking, hehe. I should have worded that differently. If you're just getting protein it will burn off, and not faster than carbs, but it will burn off and be useless pretty quickly unless you take in carbs so they will burn off first...something like that. hehe.