The amount of energy used to keep the digestive system active is significant.
When you shut it down with a fast, you are essentially redirecting a very good portion, if not all of it, of energy to others things, like organ repair. It can also redirect it's efforts into elimination. Elimination of anything that doesn't belong in the body and even if you eat nearly no processed or fabricated foods, you will still have things that don't belong in your body. Anything worth eliminating that is in your system adds stress to any, if not all, body systems - therefore no matter what anyone says, doing a fast once in a while is more than likely be beneficial to you.
In any case, don't take my word for it. Inform yourself and if your current condition allows it - try it and tell us about it.
I'd also agree with Malkore- if you don't put rubbish into your body, you wont need to take it all out again
If you lived on an island that has nothing but natural plant life and biologically pure animals than you will not have any *rubbish* in your system. What I mean to say is: in 2010, no matter where you live what you eat is most likely at least little bit rubbish.
IMO, fasting for 24 hours once in a while will most likely be good for you.
I actually looked into this a week or so ago, had found some reliable articles - written by people with MD's and PhD' who references we're other books also written by similar people.
I tried it myself and it seemed to have done me some good.
If it was bad for you, your doctor would not ask you to fast for blood tests.
Also, you save the money needed to by food for 3 meals - ISN'T THAT AWESOME?? :sport: