To excercise in the morning or evening??


New member

I was just wondering which is better working out in the morning before breakfast or after work in the evening??

There is NO best time to go to gym it is what will fit into your schedule!! One thing is though you dont really want to go to gym w/ out nutriantzin you!! you probably want to eat something before digest it then go to gym you dont want to pass out b/c you havent eaten anything and make sure you drink plenty of water before during and after!!!!
it really boils down to a preference thing in the long-haul. There are several theories about burning more fat in the morning, prior to food... but like the previous poster said, you might pass out (my wife almost did)... I can work out in the am before eating no problem. When I used to lift weights, I could not do it in the morning. I felt like I was going to die, but I love my morning runs. I am much more flexible in the afternoons, and can run at a much quicker pace. That's just me. I would try both for a week, and see what keeps you more motivated. Good luck!
One thing I've noticed that some people here mentioned is that they feel hungry after they work. This makes sense, because you're using energy. You might want to consider exercising in the morning or before your last meal in the evening so you don't overeat.
good luck!
One thing I've noticed that some people here mentioned is that they feel hungry after they work. This makes sense, because you're using energy. You might want to consider exercising in the morning or before your last meal in the evening so you don't overeat.
good luck!

I agree with you. I used to exercise in the afternoons and ending up feeling hungry then just eat. Recently I exercise in the mornings just before my first meal of the day, I noticed that I don't eat much amount of food like I did when I exercised in the afternoons.

If you exercise before you eat (such as breakfast) you would burn stored body fat.
I find if I exercise first thing I am far more awake and alert for my day at work - it also
Means I have a free evening (in theory if I don't do a session then too!)

But I just can't get up at stupid o clock that often so I normally do morning tues and thurs and then evenings the rest of the time.

At the weekends I always try tO exercise before a meal I.e before luck or dinner.

I like to work out in the morning now, because I have been using and the calorie counting app to calculate my "net" calories for the day. If I work out, I get to take those calories away from my meals, and it lets me eat more satisfying foods.

Also, if I just "get it over with" I am done for the day, and if something comes up, I don't have to give the gym the boot from the schedule
I try to exercise early evening as I don't get early enough. If I exercise too late in the evening I will have trouble sleeping.
I try to exercise early evening as I don't get early enough. If I exercise too late in the evening I will have trouble sleeping.
I've heard that.... but it's not true for me... after a hot shower and getting cleaned up, I'm ready for bed!
I've heard that.... but it's not true for me... after a hot shower and getting cleaned up, I'm ready for bed!

Agreed...if I work out at night, I'm done...often times I only have enough energy to get myself home....then I flop into bed, workout clothes on, and pass out.

I like the mornings, as it's the time I have the most energy. If I get up in the morning, eat a quick brekkie, and head to the gym, I can relax for the rest of the day knowing I got a good work out in.

But I know A LOT of people who can't do the morning work out...they prefer evening/night, as that's the time they have the most energy.

As everyone has said, i think it's a personal want to set yourself up to succeed, so it's important to set a schedule that will work for you!