To catch a predator


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$100 Million Lawsuit Against NBC's "To Catch a Predator" Approved by Judge
On Tuesday, a U.S. federal judge ruled that a $100 million lawsuit against NBC can move ahead. It centers around the suicide of Louis Conradt, 56, who shot himself in the head when crew for "To Catch a Predator" went to his home to record the arrest.

His sister Patricia said NBC is guilty of his death and soiled reputation. The judge said if proven, "a reasonable jury could find that NBC crossed the line from responsible journalism to irresponsible and reckless intrusion into law enforcement."

The opinion said NBC not only reported police work but "purportedly instigated and then placed itself squarely in the middle of a police operation," forcing police to use "unnecessary and unwise" tactics in order to make their show more dramatic.

To catch a predator... isn't that kinda like "If you give a mouse a cookie"?
Yea, I mean I'm totally against the raping and molestation of children.... but these guys in most cases probably have some extremely deep rooted, emotional issues. I'm undecided on how I feel about the show to be honest....

I mean, in one sense, the network is making boat loads of money at the expense of these individuals with said issues, which isn't very cool.

At the same time, I wonder if the show steers some others who haven't yet gone through with "the act" away from acting on their instincts?
those guys dont deserve anything...thats my opinion though

95% of them don't learn from being on the show, and what do you know...they're caught on it again and throw out the same excuses like "this is my last time". Going in to record an arrest may not have been the best idea, but the guy should be ashamed...and its only his fault. I may sound like a complete ass, but as far as $100 million goes, if they win, its dirty money. 100 million for his family because a sick ashamed guy killed himself? No way! That money should be given to the kids that have been abused by Predators...sick people.
When I put myself in the situation, I share your opinion Trevor. I mean, if I saw some dude on the street molesting a young girl/boy.... or God forbid it's my eventual child.... you wouldn't be able to stop my rage.

I just think the big, greedy media went to far in this case.
When I put myself in the situation, I share your opinion Trevor. I mean, if I saw some dude on the street molesting a young girl/boy.... or God forbid it's my eventual child.... you wouldn't be able to stop my rage.

I just think the big, greedy media went to far in this case.

ya i agree the media went too far for sure...but 100 million?

i don't know, this is a hard issue to settle and i see that it is taking a good while in court..because i first heard about this 6 months ago.
hmm this is like offering a dieter a cheesecake, and then saying its not their fault if they shove it in their mouth.
Of course its their fault, they chose to eat the damned cake!
If a person fiddles with kiddies, no matter what the pressure, its still them that did it!

One less predator as far as im concerned. Ive seen that program and yes they usualy are repeat offenders and you see the same few faces poping up
the guy was wrong for the obvious...the media is wrong for getting too involved in others business.people don't learn or change from the tv.change comes from within if you want it to....the police is wrong if they made it look more dramatic...and the sis trying to make money from her bros death is just isn't going to bring him back is it and whats 100 million for NBC anyway...doubt they'll learn much from it.

Come on, the guy is a pervert. That's where those people should be, Sorry for sounding rude, but it's true. Anyone who would do that to someone needs to roast in hell. The show isn't responsible for his sex offenses - The info and charges are public knowledge, so you could look them up in the courts which doens't make sense they said it ruined him.

This kind of stuff is what the media should focus on...
Come on, the guy is a pervert. That's where those people should be, Sorry for sounding rude, but it's true. Anyone who would do that to someone needs to roast in hell. The show isn't responsible for his sex offenses - The info and charges are public knowledge, so you could look them up in the courts which doens't make sense they said it ruined him.

This kind of stuff is what the media should focus on...

Please remove the link in you sig.

hmm this is like offering a dieter a cheesecake, and then saying its not their fault if they shove it in their mouth.

A more correct analogy would be: it's like offering a dieter a cheesecake when they are in the bakery looking for pies. They didn't force themselves on any of the people.

While the idea behind the show IS big media cashing in on the public's justified outrage, and I find that deplorable... If you are doing something that is so immoral and that you are so deeply afraid of being brought to life that you'd rather end your life than let people know... maybe you need to seek help.
A more correct analogy would be: it's like offering a dieter a cheesecake when they are in the bakery looking for pies. They didn't force themselves on any of the people.

While the idea behind the show IS big media cashing in on the public's justified outrage, and I find that deplorable... If you are doing something that is so immoral and that you are so deeply afraid of being brought to life that you'd rather end your life than let people know... maybe you need to seek help.

Well said.
The sad part of it all it's like the only solution is throwing these guys in jail for 6 to 12 months and letting them out. Maybe we should be helping them and finding out why they want to do what they do. They seem pretty messed up to me.
I think it's downright disgusting what these people do, that their sexual desires are reprehensible, and that they are even bigger morons for prowling the net when you do have shows like this. But the media is also a big asshole. They will exploit whomever for whatever they want. The media preys on the consciences of people like my parents who LOVE to watch these shows and thought me having a myspace page was going to attract a pedophile... until I pointed out that at 21, a pedophile wants nothing to do with me. So while I won't argue that some pervert should have his face plastered all over TV and newspapers for liking the kiddies too much, I also think that they shouldn't use people's sicknesses to make a buck and draw in the ratings. Because while the people who work for NBC probably truly care about keeping ppl their children safe, the corporation of NBC only cares about the profit. If there was a show about "How to catch the easter bunny" and it had better ratings than the predator show and they had to keep one and kick the other, your kids could date all the online pervs they wanted. Bottom line is ratings and money.

And when it comes to catching the guys online I see two big problems... 1) If parents monitored what their kids did on the internet this wouldn't be a problem. There is no reason a 13 yr old should have their own computer stashed away in their bedroom. 2) If someone is an adult sitting on the otherside of the chat screen trying to catch these guys... they have the mind of an adult... not a child. Adults know things from experience. If I was jailbate and some old guy told me he wanted to do things to me, I would be out of there. Kids who are educated and whose parents talk to them about people like that and parents who pay attention to their children and tell them they are loved constantly don't fall for that disgusting bullshit. They don't seek love and attention somewhere else.
I, like most of you, agree that the people on the show are not the kind of people I would want babysitting my child; however, I do think the show is unfair. They show these guys as being guilty before the court case is even heard. That is a blatant disregard to our criminal justice system. Plus, the people on the show are not children nor does anything happen between the alleged "predator" and the "child." I get that they are trying to "prevent" the situation from escalating, but on the same token they create the situation and throw these guys into the middle of it.

I wish the show didnt set these guys up and show them as guilty before a jury or judge closes the case.
The media has and always will bait people and do stuff for a story - its pretty darned predatory, probably no worse than a pedophile - just more legal. I mean you see the paparazzi chasing after and scaring the silly out of stars all the time.
yeah i agree about people not knowing what their kids are doing.
My kids have computers in their room but they are locked down tight and everything they view i see also (hey im a geek, i get email reports!). All websites are blocked by default unless i specifically allow it and i dont allow anything with a forum or chat room or similar.
Unfortunately, Wishes, not every parent is as technically savvy as you. Or they don't care until shit hits the fan. I'm still surprised that these guys aren't protected by entrapment laws but it's America these days... you can't do anything.