Weight-Loss To busy to eat right!!!!



New member
Hello folks does anybody have any good resources I can check out to help me better prepare healthier meals for my extremly busy days.
If I know I am going to be pressed for time to eat I will have something prepared in advance that I can pull out quickly. My favorite thing is to cook and cut up some chicken and throw it in a salad. You can pull it out and eat it quick without even needing to heat anything up.
there is few videos u can check of cook yourself thin on youtube for quick tasty healthy food with reasonable calories...I'll put link 4 one of da videos, u can c others for season 1 and 2 if u find it helps....MOD EDIT: Content blocked in US by youtube, posted below a link to the same 'show' luck ur wid weightloss
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The video is of no use sadly since Channel 4 content is blocked in the US.

Try instead. Same thing the above posted wanted you to see.
Plan, plan, plan.

Setting aside an hour one day a week to do things like chop veggies, throw some chicken breasts on a grill or george foreman grill, make a pot of veggie soup, etc., means that later in the week when you're busy, you'll have food around.

I sit down every Sunday evening and make a quick meal plan - it's not obessive, it just gives me time to think over the coming week and consider when I'll have time to cook and when I won't. Knowing in advance that I won't have time to fix dinner on Thursday and so should have something in the fridge already makes it easy to make healthy choices.