To all TV lovers!


New member
Which TV show features the song "Layla" by Derek and the Dominoes as it's theme/credits song?

It's been driving me nuts for weeks. Any help would be great!
Well I'm more of internet lover than a TV, lol. I looked it up in IMDb and I found that it's from The Sopranos. I'm not sure if its in the credits or anything, but its the only show that pops up when searched. The movie Patch Adams comes up for movies.

Does this help?
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It very well could be from the Sopranos... although I don't think I've ever watched it so I'm not sure if that's the one I'm talking about.

Nobody can seem to come up with an answer that might ring a bell with me - I've posted this on two other forums in addition to this one.

Thanks so much for your help though - it's appreciated!! :)

- Wendy