Tired of eating

So, here is the situation. I decided to try this out. I went and purchased a bunch of myoplex orginal and couple tubs of muscle milk. I decided to start drinking one muslce milk shaake in the morning, one myoplex for lunch, one muscle milk shake before workout, and one after, for dinner I actually eat real food. Lately it has been green vegatable and chicken breast, then a myoplex for a bedtime snack. This keeps me at around 2000 calories. I am trying to put on some lean muscle and maybe drop a few poinds in the process.
in a short while, you're going to come to understand, first hand, why liquid intensive diets aren't much fun.

Besides the hideous gas you'll be venting, you'll also develop a lack of dietary fiber. This will present itself as swings between constipation, and mud butt.

If you plan to continue this, find a way to get 30g of fiber per day.
Luckily, muscle milk actually has a small amount of fiber in it. But still, make sure you get a lot of fiber with that one meal you're eating.

Besides depriving yourself of the enjoyment of eating, you are also depriving yourself of nutrients. No matter how many veggies you are eating at dinner you are not getting the nutrients you need, thus your body isn't functioning at optimal levels.

I would highly suggest eating a real breakfast and or lunch. It can be oatmeal, or even a chicken breast, maybe some tuna. Just get some food. Have some fruit as well.

Either way I would highly recommend getting on a quality vitamin supplement. When I was cutting calories I felt drained and found this product.
In good health,
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