tired of being tired

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New member

I am a 36 year old mother of 3. I have always struggled with my weight as far back as I can remember. I excercise and eat right long enough to lose the weight and then I put it right back on again and again and again. I have done this almost my entire adult life. Well at this point I am sick and tired of being tired of constantly having to deal with my weight problems. I am ready to learn how to live a healthier life and I would appreciate any advice I can get.
So Thank you in advance for your help and words of encouragement I look forward to getting to know you all a little better.

Fulloffaith :)
You sound a lot like me! I can lose the weight, but I can't keep it off! Hopefully this time I will get it right!

Best of luck to you in your weight loss goals!
coming here is a good start! you have GOT to add some cardio into your daily life if you want to lose any weight. start off easy like 15 minutes of walking each day and build up to 45 min. replace all your beverages with water. water will help flush out fat and fill you up. and join our challenges, a new one will be starting next week i'm sure :D
Thanks for joining. I'm glad to see you here. We're a good bunch of motivating and quirky fellows all just looking to work towards the same goal. I know this weight loss yo-yo all too well, too. You're gonna do fine! Just figure out a plan of healthy eating you can stick to, hopefully not too extreme or drastic, and a way to incorporate some sort of exercise into your life. You'll be doing great. We're good support here, so come and check in with us. We all identify with you in one way or another. Let's go!
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
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