Tips on getting back into strength training

Hi all :)

I've been away from strength training for a number of years (I'm 28) but have just joined a gym and am really enjoying getting back into it! I'm not looking to be a body builder, just tone and to build myself up from skinny to moderate strength. I know from past experience I don't put on weight easily, even when I had a pretty dedicated diet along with protein supplements. I have found my body seems to respond to it quickly though whenever I do take it up again. Is it somehow embedded now?

When I was 16 I received personal training from an ex-Junior Mr Scotland and it's all coming back to me really quickly, so I'm not too worried about my technique. I feel comfortable putting together a programme for myself but I admit soon I could use some help with keeping it varied.

What I am concerned about now though is how I'm fitting it into my daily routine and that I'm probably trying too do too much at once. I used to do lower body one day then upper body the next with little cardio besides weekly sport activities, but in my over-keenness since joining back up I've been doing cardio, upper and lower body all in one session to get my body used to it again. I realise this is probably overkill! Is it OK to do a (proper, not just warm up) cardio session along with a weight training session or is this just inefficient?

I'm most motivated straight after work and prefer to go directly to the gym than go home and eat first. This means I haven't eaten since lunch though and I think the lack of energy is hurting my performance! I don't really have time to eat and get a full session in before the gym closes so can anyone recommend something for this?

It does mean though that I am eating when I get straight home after a workout - usually fish/meat, potatoes and veg or pasta. Are protein drinks for muscle recovery recommended alongside this?

Sorry for the long post - just back from the gym and apparently my typing fingers are pumped up after the workout too! :confused4: