Tips On Cutting?


New member
Hey all, newbie to the forum (though I've lurked about a month or so now). Anyway, without dealing my entire back story on how I got from point A to point B, I'm currently at a point where my primary fitness goal is to get my body fat percentage down. I weigh 186 and I'm around 12.6% body fat at the moment and my goal is to be around 8%. I'm lifting weights 4 times a week to maintain the muscle I've got (if anything, my strength has actually gone up a bit), and I'm tracking the inches on my waist (trending downward). A lot of this has been trial and error, but my body fat percentage is going down, and I'm now at a point where I can actually see a small bit of definition.

So far, so good; my main question's about eating, as I worry I may not be doing it enough. I eat, on average, around 2,000 calories per day (my maintnance level is around 3,000). This translates to between 1.5-2 pounds lost per week. That strikes me as a bit on the high side, and several people I've talked to who seem to know what they're talking about (though it can be tough to tell) say that around 1 pound a week is what you should be shooting for when you're trying to lose fat and maintain muscle. My main issue is that I'm not really sure where to add more food, as I eat til I'm full and at no point during the day do I go hungry. Should I just add another turkey sandwich to my lunch and see how that works for me, or is the rate I'm losing at OK? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.
Steve will probably be the best one to answer most of your questions. The only suggestion I can offer is that if you are wanting to add cals without having to consume a lot more food then nuts are a good idea. They are very high cal and don't take up much room. Some smart folks on this site suggested that to me a long time ago an dit has worked for me.

Good luck...
Matt read the sticky thread at the top of this page about dropping bodyfat from 15.5% or whatever. That will give you all the info you need.