Sport Tips for Improvement in Diet/Strength

Sport Fitness
Hello there, im looking for some real good advice that will help me gain better abs and better overal fitness. I'm quite uneducated on the food front, and im thinking of getting some Whey Protein, as I dont really enjoy fish and find it hard to get a good amount of protein. I've just lost 28lbs by biking/running 10 miles a day and playing basketball regularly, I also started using dumbells about 2 months ago and started doing a lot more situps and pressups & since then I have cut out all sugary drinks, chocolate, crisps sweets etc, and started eating a lot healthier. I have now put on 14lbs since I started weights and eating healthier (hopefully in muscle). Anyway, the reason I am here is because before I start taking Whey, I would like to know if there is anything wrong with my current diet, I think im eating to much Carbs.

Age: 16
Height: 6ft 1
Weight: 150lbs

Here is my average day diet:

2 Bowls of whole grain cereal
1 Glass of water

Cheese Roll (white bread)
2 Glasses of water

2x Cheese Roll
Flapjack/Low fat crisps
3 Glasses of water

3pm: Apple or Almonds

5pm(this is the bit im concerned about):
Roast Lunch w/veg
Spaghetti Bolognese w/veg
Cod and Chips w/veg
Usually 1 meat product, some carbs and veg.

10pm: Whole Grain Cereal

Is there anyone who can also give me tips on how to improve my fitness regime aswell, much appreciated:

4 Days a week run 5-8 miles. Some days football and basketball games.

Each Night:

20 Weighted Crunches
20 Situps
20 Crunches
20 Reverse Crunches
20 of some obliques exercise
20 Pressups
10 Reverse Handed Pressups
50 lifts of dumbell towards myself
20 Chest Presses

I play a lot of sports so I need to be quick yet strong in the upper body. Any tips is very helpful.

So thanks for your help! :)
oops, i just noticed I posted this in the womens section! LOL! sorry! :O