Sport Timing Your Carbs

Sport Fitness
Im reasonably sure excess carbs are causing me to not lose all that extra ass weight.

So ive been looking at my carb intake in greater detail. i should have (using 40:40:20) 230g of carbs, but today i had 470! I had half can baked beans, i pitta bread, portion sweet potato, 2 apples and a pear, and spinach + 2 whey shakes.

Very roughly my day pans out like so

1 Oatmeal + Banana
2 Egg Whites + Apple
3 1/2 can soup + tin tuna
4 protein + fruit
5 occasion pre WO energy boost, ie almonds & raisins
6 Protein + 2 Veg + Non Fat Bio Yoghurt

please note that is a very rough guideline.

I was thinking about switching to this

Fasted Cardio
1 Whey-based fruit smoothie
2 Eggs + Wholemeal Toast
3 Protein + Soup
4 Nuts + Raisins
5 Tin Tuna + Pitta
6 Protein + 2 Veg

My current job is computer/car based so i dont really burn calories, hence dropping the carby breakfast, but i will now need something post-run.

what time is best to burn the carbs off if i am to be working out at 7-8 at night?

Ha ben i think you are obsessed with carbs. Just keep it simple...

No simple or complex carbs after your 4th meal. Fiberous only for last 2. Its what I do and it works for me and i am very carb sensitive, infact i could probably use to take out a little more simple carbs in my diet but i get it first thing in my day. Even stopping at the 4th meal you will still have plenty of energy to do a good workout later on. If you really think that is your plateau problem then you are going to have to tighten it up and just not give in. All about the will power man, i mean after that 5th meal i want some damn bread or fruit. But i go for some carrots or cook up some veggies and deal. If i cheat IF at all i just grab a small amount of some complex whole grain cereal that equals nothing really and a thick chocolate low carb protein shake and it knocks the craving.

How is your workout routines going? Have you changed them up in a while or increased cardio time? Make sure you are getting HIIT AND some Low Intesity training as well. I get 4 days HITT and 2 Days Low, I do my HIIT on my training days and my low on just cardio days. Then sit back and relax on the rest day. Also watch the cheating, I sadly just can't cheat much, my body takes it in like a sponge so my "cheats" are just more of the good foods i already eat. So instead of having a 5-6 SMALL meals on my cheat days I make one of them just huge and stuff BUT of good things. Like today was a cheat day and I had a 5 ounce hamburger (lean meat) on a whole wheat bun topped with a lean chili and a side of Sweet potato fries i made (tons of them). I dont have the luxury of grabbing fried food and heavy sauce even for a day, at least not right now until my body becomes a fuel burning machine. So maybe just try to tighten it up all the way around for a while, then when you got good muscle and a high metabolism to burn stuff off better you can test the waters.
That was a really intresting read, and completely logical, particulary the aspect of changing your carb amounts with activty and workouts. Seems to a better response to the effect of your body adapting to a contioius schedule. I would change up my carb intakes some but for the most part it has been basically smaller amounts of carbs as the day goes on.

Here is a direct link to that article as the other one took me to the main page and etiher its the blonde in me or something but i didnt see it so i just searched for it.
If you are looking to cut, I'd suggest you keep your carbs to pre, post, and ppwo and in the morning on non-training days.
fact is, some people are more prone to weight gain from carbs than others. genetics, lifestlye, etc...these all have an impact.

so, its not a bad idea to try things out. lower the carbs a bit, see if you start shedding weight.
As long as you can lose fat weight without feeling tired all the time, or like your brain isn't workign right, then you're probably fine, and getting enough carbs to be healthy, but not soo much that you get fat.