Time to shed some lbs


New member
I need some pointers on a few topics. I’m hoping all of the knowledgeable people here will be able to assist me in gathering the right information. I have began working out again (this past Friday), and am planning on doing it religiously in hopes to drop 40 pounds.

My current stats:
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 205 lbs.

I do not know my BF% right now, but I will figure it out as soon as I get my hands on the needed equipment.

From the reading I have done on this site and other sites, here is what I have come up with:

40/30/30 for my proteins, fats, and carbs.
48 hours between weight lifting workouts

What I would like help with is finding a good workout plan. I’ve always just kind of winged it, but never saw results. Time for that to change!

As for cardio, my first 2 visits to the gym (Friday and yesterday), I ran 2 miles on the elliptical, then rode 5 miles on the bike. Is this fine or should I look at doing something else? My plan is to increase the resistance as soon as what I’m on now becomes too easy.

Any help, tips, suggestions, etc are greatly appreciated!

Sounds like your diet is well balanced. BUT HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU CONSUME EACH DAY? This is perhaps the single most important factor concerning achieving your fitness goals!

I personally find the long cardio workouts both boring and ineffective. What really worked for me was "high intensity interval training" (HIIT). This means short intervals (30 seconds to 2 minutes) where you run/swim/different jump exercises or whatever at a very fast pace (between 75 and 100% of your maximum speed)

A HIIT workout could be like this:

- 5 min warm up (jogging etc)

- 30 second sprints, then slow jog/walk for 1 minute(this is 1 set)
Then you repeat for as many sets you can do (usually 2-8 sets, depending on your fitness level)

- The finally slow jog/walk for 1-2 minutes

HIIT is said to be more effective than slow cardio. HIIT takes much shorter time, your metabolism is increased for as long as 48 hours after your HIIT workout and HIIT is less likely to cause loss of muscle. We want muscle cause muscle burns fat :)

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you also do strength exercises to achieve your goal to lose weight. Here I recommend mostly compound exercises, meaning exercises where you fire up as many muscle fibers as possible. VERY EFFECTIVE.

You should check out my site

It is my first internet site ever, so not perfect :) It is also under construction. But you will probably find some useful information there, along with some recommended workout programs which really worked for me!!
As I can see it, you have a great plan for your workout. Would it help us, if you set your workout plan?

FOr your meal, what is your meal plan? We have to see how many calorie intake you have each day. Maybe we see some thing not right in there as well.

Hope to see your plan soon

Thanks. Everything sounds great!:hurray: