Time Sharing - Friends, diet, fitness.

Food preparation can take a half hour to an hour and while it can be done, to an extent, in advance, most people don't have the freezer/fridge space to store a week's worthy of complete meals. Fitness too takes at least a half hour if you do it at home, more if you go elsewhere. To walk to and from where you work or study lengthens commutes - though biking instead of bussing often turns out about the same.

Yet in a world of 9 to 5 jobs (not factoring in time preparing for work, homework/aftertime or commuting time), we don't have that much time to spread around. Our lives and the lives of our loved ones are finite. People grow, develop, change. We have so many responsibilities, so many duties, to employees, society, local community, family, lovers, children, friends.

How can we justify taking out what easily becomes an hour or two from our already busy lives? (And yes, there's almost always television or Internet time that could be removed but most realise that's time that should be spent with the people we care about, not just time that could be spent on bettering ourselves). True, we'll live longer, healthier lives and be more energetic, but isn't there a balance? Isn't there a way to combine the two?

But what if your children or lover is notoriously uncooperative with physical exercise? What if your social circle is very unfit and group encounters revolve around sedendary hobbies (card games, videogames, coffee chats) or somewhat unhealthy practices (binge drinking, BBQs with lots of meat)? What if you and your friends can't afford to do healthier things you might enjoy together regularly (paintball, BBQs with leaner, healthier meats and salads for all)? What if most meetings are impromptu and last only a short while?

How can we combine fitness and diet with friends and family without making the latter feel uncomfortable or pressured into what they don't want to do?

You could get your lover or children to help you prepare food as part of a game to make food preparation not require time away from the family. You could also do your food preparation when no one else's around. Leisurely swims at the pool or beach are better than lying around all day. Dancing can be fun and aerobic - though often involves alcohol or drugs at the club scene.

Any other suggestions?
My only spare time is my lunch break from work, about 35 minutes of lifting and straight out.
I make all the time consuming stuff at once. For instance I cook 6 turkey burgers and chicken breasts on my grill. I cook turkey sausage on the grill at the same time.

I also use a variety of vegetable sources (frozen, fresh, canned) to ensure speedy cooking. I also know what I am gonna eat and when so I dont bumble around thinking what to make.
On the recipe site I use they have a forum for Once A Month Cooking (OAMC) where posters will lay out something like 12 recipes that they will make in one day, and have food ready for the entire month. It's pretty incredible because it's obvious they have it down to a science.

Past that if you find that your current friends are not with it to that part of your lifestyle, find some other friends who are. I'd like to think the range and variety of people with whom I become acquainted is pretty wide - and I think most everyone enjoys meeting new people.
Oh, come now! I'm sure there's activities that people of all fitness orientations can enjoy that isn't slacking off. It doesn't have to be all rowing, jogging or hiking together!

Okay, to give a better example, I'm going down to my family's for a week and they're fairly slack. I could take my little sister and my dog for a walk or for picnics (too cold for a swim) or include her when I cook some fun, healthy stuff but what else could be done? Playground equipment is far too small for me on the whole!
use a variety of vegetable sources (frozen, fresh, canned) to ensure speedy cooking. I also know what I am gonna eat and when so I dont bumble around thinking what to make.