Sport Time of day to eat

Sport Fitness
I'm no nutritionist but I'm sure this makes sense. Firstly, it has been said before that small but frequent meals (about 6 a day) are more nutritional than say 2 big ones.

Another way to eat, if you are looking to lose weight, is to avoid eating a late night snack. When you are sleeping or getting ready to sleep, your metabolism is low. Anything eaten just before will not be used up but will be stored as fat. This shouldn't make you too hungry because when you sleep it doesnt take up much energy and you can have breakfast as soon as you get up.

You're pretty close! It's best to try not to eat anything after 7-8 p.m. if your goal is to lose weight with one exception - right before bed! Your muscles do a lot of repairing and building when you sleep. If you get 6-8 hours of sleep, your are "fasting" for 6-8 hours. That's a long time to go without food. By the way, that's where the name, breakfast came from - you are "breaking your fast."

You should take a slow digesting protein right before bed, such as casein protein. The easiest thing to do is have a casein protein drink shortly before bed. However, you can get the same effect having a serving of cottage cheese (preferably 2% or fat free). By doing this, you give your muscles the amino acids it needs to go about its building and repairing while you sleep!

Travis Van Slooten
I bought some cottage cheese today specifically to be my late night snack...I have to be honest, it smells disgusting! Hopefully it'll taste a little better than it smells!

On the subject of protein, I know that post-workout is the optimum time for a protein bar but, is there a bad time to eat one? My preference post workout is to get my protein from actual food. I usually have a protein bar about an hour or so before I work out - does this have any benefits/drawbacks?