Time for a new life!


New member
Hello! My name is Kim and I am 22. I weigh a dramatic 283 pounds. Six years ago I had weighed 300 pounds and was sick of my appearance. I changed and I lost 130 pounds and loved myself. I moved out on my own with my best friend and started drinking pop again and that went on a landslide from there. I had been happy, active, I felt beautiful! I gained all my weight back and now feel like a mess. I am happy and I suppose I didn't care about my weight thanks to a man I met. I fell in love and he proposed. I was shocked. The woman he had been with was small and slender so what he saw in me I didn't see. He always tells me I am beautiful and I am happy he sees that but I can't. I have confidence, to a degree. I have become social and have more friends then I ever have had. My weight hadn't been a problem to me until he proposed. I began looking at wedding dresses and thinking of the future. I want to look beautiful on my wedding day. I have decided it was high time to drop this weight, I felt disgusted with my body suddenly when the thought of wearing a beautiful dress came to mind. I began thinking of children since we both want a family and I want my kids to be proud of their mother. There is also a lingering fear that my weight may complicate me having children. My goal isn't huge. I would like to reach 200 pounds within the year, hopefully more but I want to at least set my goal to something obtainable then continue when I reach that. My ultimate goal is to be 140 pounds. By my wedding day though I would be so proud to walk down the aisle 83 pounds lighter. I hope I can get there and I will start by dropping the pop. I feel cold turkey is the best option. I can drink more then a 2 liter a day. I think switching to a cup of coffee will cut the cravings for caffeine down and keep me energized; bonus is all the money me and my man will save from not purchasing tons of pop . When I lost my weight the first time that is all I really did. Cut the pop out, drank water, and began walking my 5 mile road everyday. Now I don't have a 5 mile stretch of country road but I will pick up exercising, I bought a set of weights and some DvDs for exercise ideas. I am crossing my fingers and am ready to change to a new me!
Good luck to you!! It's so easy to lose ourselves inside a body we're not comfortable in.
But girl, you know you gotta put down that pop!!!! ;)
No judgments, ever. It's hard but you've done it once before, you know you can do it again!
Wow, first off im excited that your starting your journey to a healthier you!
have you tried an elimination diet before? its fantastic to help you lose weight fast and get you feeling better within days with more energy and focus.
I have used it off and on for years and its done wonders.
I have the file I can send over to you but I don't know how to attach a file on here?