Story Time
So, I'm at the Y and it's one of those quiet afternoons where there're only two other people around. Of course, both of them look like they have no reason at all to be there. Not only are they super fit and cleaned out, but they don't appear to actually be doing anything. I'm thinkin', Alright, then. Eye candy:viewer ratio is sort of unfavorable here. Wouldn't be my first choice. Must be amateurs. Or maybe these bunnies got separated from the herd and couldn't find their way back. But I go about my business, while they strut around being a distraction.
Over time, one throws in the towel, but the other... I can't tell if it's my imagination, or what, but she seems to be getting closer, and more unnecessarily provocative. Eventually, I'm in the rack pulling something or other, and it crystallizes - the realization that something is definitely up. And, being me, I ask her, "Okay, seriously. Can I help you?"
And she says, word for word, "Actually, I was hoping you could help me."
That's when the bad funk started playing in the background. What the ****, I says to myself. Then, out of nowhere, in my head I'm seein' and I'm laughing uncontrollably. Then I'm feeling like a huge tool, because this delicious-looking kitten just propositioned me and I laughed in her face. Just sayin', I don't think that was the long and hard she was looking for.
Being the strange child that we'll soon discover she is, she waits patiently until I'm done and then hugs/thrusts out her chest and asks, "Well?"
At which point I am stunned. "I take it you're not looking for tips on your squat form," I opine.
Her retort: "I have condoms and lube. Meet me in the main washroom?"
By now I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming, so I figure it can't hurt to just go with it. "What about flowers, and maybe chocolate? I'm a good Christian boy."
She stares.
"Can't we just cuddle for a while?"
"We don't have to do anything you don't want to. How about a blowjob?"
"You mean, like, you want to blow in my ear?"
"Dude, just say yes or no."
"Listen, I'm sick of you rushing me. I wasn't the one prancing around basking in my own ridiculous gorgeosity like a ****ing Unicorn in The Enchanted Forest. Cut a brother some slack. I mean until you decided to get your freak on, I was just minding my own business up in this bitch. Y'know, strictly maxin', relaxin', chillin', I thought I was cool, when you bent over and started making trouble in my neighborhood."
And then she explained. Something like that chick from Mallrats. Normally wouldn't have, but I answered all her questions. She seemed like a nice kid. Then she invited me to a party. In her pants. No, I kid, in the Spar. I politely explained to her that there's no way in hell I'm driving that far - not even if she promised to suck my **** from the back.
I may have made up some of the dialogue, but that's how I remember it. And the freaky parts are 100% true. Also if you don't get the ending, go watch Mallrats, or stfu and gtfo. Anyway, I think she likes me. ^_^