This forum in my opinion is to assist one another. If you find a post by a fellow forum member that is disagreeable to you, your approach to it can bring a detrimental atmosphere to the composite topic or a positive atmosphere to the composite topic. If tends to be too far on the detrimental side of the equation, one can step on certain toes and smear the purpose of this forum. You have to remember, some forum members have special relationships with other forum members, because they share a common interest and bond, and well, just like each other as friends. We are hear to help each other not attack one another, we can disagree, this is fine, and will happen sometimes, but its all on how you approach the situation. One usually gets what they give out. I dont wish you any additional complications on this forum, this you will determine. But, you must be completely aware of what is going on before you can correct and/or modify the problem. Rest assured, that if you inappropriately attack ANY forum member improperly, or purposely and willingly try to damage a forum member or one of my forum member friends, I WILL have their back.
I wish you and everyone the best.