This ruined my week...

That's some fancy posing right there
I can't believe I looked at that. It was an accident too. I wasn't thinking. I thought the dude was anorexic or something, then I was like nooooo. I'm never, ever clicking a link on this site again no matter what.
I dont see the big thing about it anyway. Its funny if anything, even if that.

Read the caption under the third one down. It mentions his 'girlfriend.' The guy however, is standing in a blaitent 'come on give it to me bad boy' stance. It is just wrong. On so many different levels.
I remember that guy, yea their Rate my Physique section gets some interesting people every now and then.

I love T-nation.
T-Nation is hilarious. But yeah. SOME of the guys (and girls) are complete twats. They shoot each other down whenever they have the chance. They all also post semi-naked/naked pictures of each others gfs/wives which isn't a bad thing of course, but does seem a little ****ed up for obvious reasons. Some of the peeps though are pretty cool from what I've seen.