Weight-Loss This is what I got...



New member
Hey all, first time posting here.

I am 21 years old, 5'10" and clock in at about 180-185 lbs. Id like to go down, I don't have a specific number, I just want to look better.

As of now this is the diet I have. Keep in mind I also go work out at least 4-6 times a week, 30 minutes or so of endurance and about 25 minutes of cardio.

Breakfast = Raisin Bran, 2 eggs if I have any, and if not then I also eat a bowl of oatmeal with some cinnamon thrown in so it doesn't taste like cardboard.

Two hours later = Protein bar

Lunch time = peanut butter and honey sandwich

Again, two hours later = some nuts, almonds mostly.

You guessed it, another two hours while at work = Protein bar

Dinner = A chicken breast or a small steak, or a pork chop

I work out then come home and make a protein shake.

Does that seem ok or is there something else I should be doing?
Does that seem ok or is there something else I should be doing?

I don't see any fruits or vegetables in there. Come closer :smash:

Read the stickied posts under the nutritional forum and the exercise forum.

I don't think you need that much protein either (around 1g per pound of lean body mass is enough, probably around 130-150g for you). If nothing else put 1-2 scoops of Whey Protein Powder in that shake of yours and you won't need any of those bars, and can put the calories towards fruits and vegetables instead.

When you say endurance do you mean resistance? Like weight lifting?

PS Fruits and Vegetables:seeya: