This is the coolest thing ever!

actually not that cool :)

It is still in the early stages of the touch screen computers, but it is also pretty slow and not as "advanced" as it look at first glance.

This technology came out at a TED conference back in '06. It IS cool and I have been watching and waiting for it to advance further. One day we will have touch screen computers that are easier than what we have now.

But this is still just the beginning and has yet to advance to a stage where it is actually better than what we got...

Still....I love the idea......

of course if you are planning just to use it for music or pics, it's makes an awesome wall hanging......:D
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watching the demo, whether it actually performs that well or not, makes me want one.

yeah, I know :D I was so happy to see it come out, and as soon as they made the first one, I was all over it! lol but after lots of research and actually seeing one, thought it was something better to hold off on till it is more advanced....:D
Our IT department is hooked on HP -- although they all build their own -- they prefer HP for us luddites!

I'll certainly be checking it out!!!
I work at Best Buy, and we have that. It's really hard to sell because many times the touch screen doesn't respond right when the customer is trying it out. Then again you get the people who say, "TOUCH SCREEN? GIMME!" and that's that. I don't really like it though