Sport This a good Meal Plan?

Sport Fitness
8 am Bowl Of Cheerios for breakfast with skim milk.

Workout 45 minutes of cardio 5 times a week + 30 minute strength training 3 times a week.

11 am Myoplex Carb Sense Nutrition Shake

1:00 Turkey Sandwich 1 slice cheese on wheat bread 1 tablespoon mayo. Diet coke

4:30 Piece of grilled or perdue lowfat chicken strips with mixed vegatables.

8:00 Apple

10:30 Myoplex carb sense Nutrition Shake
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Not enough protein and not enough real food and likely not enough calories.
what you mean not enough protein. I have turkey + chicken thats mega protein. Plus 2 shakes a day. Each shake is 25g of protein. So 2 shakes is 50g of Protein which is 100 % of the daily value. And remember i'm trying to lose weight here.
I am 5'5 127, still losing body fat and get at least 140 grams of protein in a day if not more. Every meal should have at least one protein and as much as possible you should try to get it in real food.

8 am Bowl Of Cheerios for breakfast with skim milk.
Wheres the protein and at most this is 220 calories. Plus a sugared ceral not that good anyway, would do oatmeal, or egg whites with whoel wheat toast.

11 am Myoplex Carb Sense Nutrition Shake
great shake yeah for after a workout but not a meal. 150 calories for each of these

1:00 Turkey Sandwich 1 slice cheese on wheat bread 1 tablespoon mayo. Diet cokeThis is fine. 300-400 cal at most

4:30 Piece of grilled or perdue lowfat chicken strips with mixed vegatables.
again fine 300-400 calores at most

8:00 Apple
not a meal... 70 calories at most

10:30 Myoplex carb sense Nutrition Shake
again not a meal 150 calories at most

On the high side of these calories this is 1300 calories per day with that kind of excersie. You can get attitude all you want, but just trying to help you. Why ask for advice if you dont want the answers. There is no way that is going to do your body what it need. You will end up holding on to that fat longer than you should. You are 6ft tall and yeah you need more than 1300 calories. At your age, height and weight you roughly burn 2861 just being, add working out to that and welcome to massive starvation land. Try doing 2300-2200 to start off with and then work down as your weight goes down.

Also its best to keep a close amount of the same calories for each meal. (ie if allowed to get 2200 calories a day then each meal should have 360 calories if doing 6 meals or somewhat close to that.)

If you starve yourself yeah you will lose "weight" but it wont stay off, and it wont all be fat.
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when talking about dairy, he says a soft look?

i always thought dairy was a good protein source, should this but cut out for greater definition?
I started out at 260 around 3 months ago. I've been stuck at 222 the last 2 weeks so I need to try something different to get below the 222 and I can't seem to figure out how too do that so i'm cutting my calories by a bigger amount. and I am 6ft.
Thats not the way to do it. You were losing weight before so, dropping calories isn't the answer, thats starvation! Your body will panic and store every last calorie it can as fat.

When things grind to a halt and you hit a plateau (which I suspect is what has happened to you) you should do 2 things. Firstly, you should mix up your training and shock your body. Second you should eat a cheat meal (I do this once a week). Anything you like...burger, pizza - whatever. Tell your body it isn't starving and kick your metabolism back to life.