Sport Thirsty at night

Sport Fitness
Just lately, I find myself waking up in the middle of the night extremely thirsty. I have now taken to keeping a bottle of water by the bed to quench this thirst. I find it hard to believe that I could be dehydrated as I am one of the most hydrated people I know!! I drink A LOT of water all day (although, I couldn't say exactly how much but, A LOT is no understatement) until about 9pm (to avoid waking up to pee).

Anyone else get this or have any idea why it might be? Could I be drinking too much water perhaps?
Excessive thirst is most commonly dehydration. In some cases, it can be a sign of diabetes or other serious disorders. Don't freak out though. You're probably just not drinking enough.

Also, if you sleep with your mouth open, you lose a lot of water. I wake up thirsty a lot due to just that. I don't know if you can do anything about that though.
before my sister was diagnosed with diabetes, she was also really thirsty in the middle of the night and had to sleep with water on her nightstand. i remember her telling me about how dang thirsty she was...

as spicypumpkin said, this isn't to freak you out. it's just one thing to think about, particularly if you are pretty sure that you are well hydrated.

also, do you drink alcohol? a night out on the town will usually make me super thirsty throughout the night (but, this would be pretty obvious, i guess).

anyway, might as well get it checked out so that it's no longer an inconvenience.
Its not alcohol as I rarely drink and, when I do, I expect to be dehydrated as a result. The strange thing is that I had this before and, when I stopped training (which meant not drinking as much water or watching my diet) it stopped happening.

I don't like the sound of diabetes - it wasn't that long ago I had a blood test so I think thats unlikely. I'm due to go to the doctor within the next month so, I shall mention the thirst thing and see what he says. It certainly isn't every night but, more often than I'd like.