thinking of running cross country...

next year is my senior year of hs and i want to compete in at least one sport and ive been thinking of cross country. i have until aug. 1 to sign up and get a physical. i havent played sports any in high school but i used to play baseball when i was little if that helps. i have to be able to be able to run 3.1 miles which i know wont be easy but if i work at it through out the summer do any of u guys think i could do really good cause if i join a sport i want to be really good at going to the gym today and im gonna try to run/jog 3.1 miles on the treadmill and see where i stand. i have pretty strong abs which i know improves your posture. also, will all this running take alot of my muscle ive earned from weight lifting?

comments please.
running on the treadmill says near nothing to how you'll do outside, well at least down here in florida. running in 70 degree air conditioned room, then going out to 90 degree heat, definatly different! maybe start on the treadmill and eventually run on the street.. anyways, with some conditioning im sure you'll be able to run 3.1 miles by august, just train train train!
Yea same thing here in south Texas. Especialy right next to the ocean where i am. High humidity all the damn time. But your gonna be skinny as hell when your finished with CC. I sugges running 5 mi a day or around there. I have a few friends that play the sport. TONS of long distance endurance. And when your running in the competitions its gonna be a fast brisk run not no jog. You can probably do it tho. Theres gonna be so much running in your future your going to be dreaming it. lol
well this is kinda of those, "what do you want more" questions. because big biceps & chest & stuff are only going to slow you down while running. so if you worked out while you did CC you could maintain it, but if you lightened up you would be able to run further.
Yea hes right. Your probably going to lose a lot of muscle in CC. But one thing for sure is youll get a full 8 pack easy. As long as u do abs like every other day. Thats one cool thing about CC. Its just a decision and sacrifice youll have to make.
well i just got back from the gym and did .7 mile on the treadmill. i could have done more and faster but i didnt want to push myself too hard on my first session.l it didnt seem that hard. i think my max speed that i put on there was 8.0 mph.i forgot what time i did it in but it wasnt much. i think i can increase by .7 mile more when im ready. as for what mreik said, there is this guy at our school who is probably the strongest dude at our school and probably stronger than everyone who posts on these forumns. i mean the guy's next squat goal is 5 hundred something. anyway he played cross country and football and track, and i dont think that he was that slow. i dont know for sure how well he did but i really doubt he was in the back. im sure what u said is true though. but i would really like to have a stout and strong body while being fast.

i also have some questions.

what would u reccomend the incline be.

should i use fit tests such as army (2.0m) or marine (3.0). they have time limits on them. on the marine test it says something about below and above sea level. which would be best.

i think that i could run on a treadmill until i meet my goal. then go out and go to the track around the park right next to the gym.

i also know that when cross country runs they run throug a nature trail.

by the way what is a good time goal for 3.1 miles. like i said if i do this i want to be good at it, good enough to qualify for state in which only 10 people from the school can go.
Holy crap...

Wtf? I'm going through the *EXACT* same thing. I'm turning 17, and next year is my senior year, and I haven't been in any sports activities in high school at all so far and for my last year I wanna do something.

I'm thinking of running cross country as well for track and I have never actually 'run' for the heck of it...
If you want to run cross country, you really don't need to be thinking that much into it. Basically all you need to do to prepare is run, outdoors preferrably (mornings are good, when it's pretty cool), and run every day. Preparing for the three mile XC race, you'd probably want to run at least four or five miles daily. Go ahead and take weekends off, if you want to. It's a good idea to run with a friend, especially one that is (slightly) faster than you. Do not try to train with a friend who is significantly slower than you or who does not enjoy running.