thinking about a triathalon...

so i was thinking about trying a triathalon this summer. a short sprint one close to home. I'm confident in my running and with a little more work i could be ready for the bike portion but my main hinderance is swimming. i can't swim. i mean, i can but not with the whole head down in the water, side to side breathing. i've looked into swimming lessons but the only ones i can find don't start for a month or more.

do you think thats long enough for me to learn if i start in april and the event is in june? if not i guess i'll just start early training for next year...

just get in the water and start sp[ending some time swimming an see how it goes. the mentals prior to getting into the water will eat your lunch. Just start swimming and see. the speint distance is no biggie,

Sweat Daily!
so i was thinking about trying a triathalon this summer. a short sprint one close to home. I'm confident in my running and with a little more work i could be ready for the bike portion but my main hinderance is swimming. i can't swim. i mean, i can but not with the whole head down in the water, side to side breathing. i've looked into swimming lessons but the only ones i can find don't start for a month or more.

do you think thats long enough for me to learn if i start in april and the event is in june? if not i guess i'll just start early training for next year...


I was signed up for a sprint tri this Sunday - and was ready for it! - but my cardiologist cancelled it and signed me up for open chest surgery instead.

Yes, you can compete in that sprint tri with 2 months training. Just expect to be near the back at the end of the swim. And, if you don't feel that you're ready in June, you can do one later in the year, unless you are in a cold climate.

I am a reasonably strong biker (20 - 22 mph for a sprint distance without aero bars maybe another 1- 2 mph faster with aeros), high 8 min runner, but couldn't swim 300 yards 4 months ago. I swam with and got help from Flyinfree (my training bud) and advice from Sparrow and got a swim coach. My lessons learned are: I sink badly when swimming and that will haunt me (that is why I will only do wetsuit legal tris from now on), I can't last doing bilateral breathing but can get by with single side, and I can back stroke for a few seconds to regain my breath and continue.

I am scheduled for another sprint tri on June 7 and would like to still enter and complete that one even if it takes me 2+ hours and I come in last place.
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so i was thinking about trying a triathalon this summer. a short sprint one close to home. I'm confident in my running and with a little more work i could be ready for the bike portion but my main hinderance is swimming. i can't swim. i mean, i can but not with the whole head down in the water, side to side breathing. i've looked into swimming lessons but the only ones i can find don't start for a month or more.

do you think thats long enough for me to learn if i start in april and the event is in june? if not i guess i'll just start early training for next year...


Yes you can be ready for that. Try and find someone at the pool. Just going and watching others who know what they're doing and trying it out can help a lot. I have a lot of swimmers in my class that only know how to swim because they spent time watching those around them. Breathing on both sides isn't necessary. Breathing on one side only is fine. Try to become comfortable with your face in the water. To start, get a kickboard, hold it out in front of you and just kick with your arms stretched out with the board, face in the water blowing bubbles. Come up for air when you need it. From there its gravy.
Maybe you can find a friend that can help you improve your swimming stroke?
I did the Danskin Triathlon several years ago. It was fun. Make sure you set yourself in the back of the crowd for the swim. You don't want people swimming on top of you.

My weakest link is the swimming too. I would like to try a regular Triathlon, but would definitely invest in swimming lessons first.
Don't feel bad.....

I can't run to save my life. The weight of my upper-body, all my's just too much and I just don't have it in me to run for any length.

At the same time, I just broke my swimming distance record: 4 miles! I can swim like a fish. Gimme a call when they let people compete in teams :D
Excuse me...... okay? What's going on? -very concerned!:confused:

Apparently the atherosclerosis that my father had, and died from, was passed down to me, which caused me to have a clogged coronary artery in November 06, which necessitated a stent and catheterization. That was the good news! Because of that, I now see a cardiologist regularly. In October, I had a physical and all was hunky dory. Two months later, my cardiologist noticed a heart murmur for the first time. He scheduled an echocardiogram which indicated an aneurysmic ascending aorta (what John Ritter died from) and dilated aortic root which was preventing the aortic valve frm closing properly which was creating the murmur which he heard.

If I didn't have a cardiologist because I had the angina 15 months ago, I might have ended up like John Ritter.

I will have surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville to replace my ascending aorta, aortic root and either repair or replace my aortic valve, tentatively set for April 1. I am going to Mayo tonight to see a cardiologist tomorrow to schedule another catheterization. If there is any question about the quality of my coronary arteries, they want to know now and can do a bypass while my chest is cracked open like a slab of beef.

My cardiologist says I am in the 99th percentile as a cardiothoracic surgery candidate and should make a "quick rrecovery", in his words. I asked him how will my cardiovascular be afterwards, compared to now, and he said "like night and day", i.e., better! I have noticed that I am almost always limited by wind, not by muscle fatigue, when I do athletic events, especially swimming, running and shorter bike rides, up to 70 miles. After 70 miles, muscle fatigue gets me. So, I am excited to know what exercising for the last couple of years with an inefficient heart pumping system has done to my musculature. Top athletes train at high elevations where the air is thinn to get their muscles adapted to having minimal oxygen. That is essentially what I have been doing. I am hoping that I am gonna feel like a doped bike racer after my heart pumping is not my limiting factor!

So, I will be fine if all goes well, which I expect it to. My cardiothoracic surgeon at the Mayo Clinic has been doing similar surgeries like this 2 - 3 times / week since before Milli Vanilli was caught as a fraud. The only thing I am really concerned about is picking up some nasty staph infection, which I probably don't have any control over anyways. If I wake up on April 1 and don't get a staph infection by the end of my hospital stay, I will be great!

Since last month, I have been confined to mere walking and just getting by, with zero exercise. That is why I haven't posted in my journal since then.

Thanks for the concern.

Thanks for the concern.


I'll be hoping & praying that everything goes well.....given your outstanding condition, I'm optimistic that it will. We're so fortunate to be living in these times when we have these medical advances & technology. Don't stress the staph, ain't nothing a few antibiotics can't take care of! :)
Thanks BSL, but there are some nasty staphs that are anti-biotic-resistant and they tend to be vectored in hospitals.

Back to triathlons: I picked out my next, uh, first, triathlon: The Pumpkinman in Boulder City, NV, near Lost Wages. We can stay on the strip, the wife can gamble and get liquored up at night, and I can do the triathlon - we all win! They have a sprint, oly and 1/2 Ironman 70.3. Water temp is low to high 70s so it will be wetsuit legal.

I tried on my new Desoto triathlon wetsuit top along with my 6.5 mil diving farmer john and the bouyancy was fantastic! I could float and with a gentle swim I was gliding and not pushing a huge wall of water in front of me.

I'm psyched about this. I should play it safe and go with the sprint, but I have never played anything safe and will probably sign up for the oly and get some tips from Sparrow on how to swim 1500m.
That sounds like a great time Richard. My wife told me she wasn't going back to Vegas with me after our last trip.

I am going to have to look into those wetsuits. I haven't done any real swimming in many years. I almost signed up for some swimming training about a month ago, but with all the training I am doing for the marathon I decided to wait until after that was done. Soon I will be adding in some swimming though and looking to do some triathlons.
I was signed up for a sprint tri this Sunday - and was ready for it! - but my cardiologist cancelled it and signed me up for open chest surgery instead.

That sucks ..hope things work out for you.

curious g8r80- where you physically active all your life, or were you a recent ' convert' to training ?
Matt, with your attitude and effort and physical condition, you would smoke in a triathlon!

Wrangell, from ages 18 - 28, I was in pretty good shape for that whole time. Over the last 20 years, I exercised to some level the whole time, but effort varied from weak and inconsistent to heavy and consistent.