Think im going to try the atkins


New member
diet, or some other high protein, low carbs diet. I remembered looking up a blood type diet and it said that a high protein, low carb but high exercise diet is best for my body / blood type.

i think the hardest thing will be having no sugar in my cuppa tea.
nooo :(

You really don't have to cut everything out of your life. If you just look at your current diet honestly and make smart changes, you will lose weight. You don't have to cut out a bunch of carbs or sugar. Instead of thinking of a 'diet' like that, write down everything you eat for a week. Be focued on recording everything then look at it a week later. We have a great section to keep a food diary..I'd also suggest reading the stickie posts.

You really don't need to do Atkins to lose weight. It is your choice but remember that for good sustainable weight loss, the changes are something you can do for the rest of your life.
I concur. Wouldn't you rather tweak your diet slighly and be healthy FOREVER, instead of doing fad diets?
I'd focus on the protein more than the carbs - are you opposed to counting calories?

I did Atkins for 5 years, but I find that watching my calories and having a high protein, high fiber diet and not sweating the carbs so much has worked out much better for me.

If you do decide to go with Atkins, try to make your carb choices fruit & veggies rather than 'low carb ice cream' or the heavily processed Atkins or South Beach foods. And focus first on getting a solid amount of protein before loading up on cheese and the other fatty foods. Asparagus roasted with salt & pepper & olive oil is quite tasty ;)

And whether or not you go low carb, using Splenda with Fiber in your coffee instead of sugar isn't such a bad thing ;)
Your right, i will aim for more eating foods with good proteins and then veg with it, will definetly try to cut all carbs at the beginning though and maybe bring them back in later?
need to find some 'good' protein foods, eggs, tuna and chick all i can think of haha~!

Will definetly buy splenda, thats probably where most of my sugar in a day comes from, brews.
There's nothing wrong with doing the 2 week 'induction' where you severely limit all carbs and then add them back in as you feel comfortable :D But veggies are good for you! ... And very tasty when roasted in olive oil...

One thing to note - when you don't eat carbs you retain less water. So if you add carbs back in, you'll probably gain weight. Don't panic, this isn't fat! It's just that you're retaining a little more water.

Here are some of my favorite proteins :D

Greek yogurt - I like to throw frozen black cherries and some Splenda in and let it sit until the cherries thaw and the yogurt nearly freezes :D
Sirloin steak - I don't get this every week, but especially during grilling season I have much love for it.
Ground beef and turkey - the 93%/7% nonfat/fat versions. I make chili or 'home made' hamburger helper - NB, Yellow squash + onions + ground meat + cheddar cheese makes an awesome casserole.
Pork tenderloin - marinate with soy and apple cider vinegar and spices of your choice. Brown and then pop in the oven until at least 137 F (That's when it's completely safe) Serve with whatever you want :D
And of course... chicken breast!

You don't have to be afraid of fattier meats such as chicken thighs and ribeyes - but I find it's easier to watch my calories if I don't have these every week. ... CostCo has this awesome roast that I love very much - higher in fat, but I still get it a couple times a month. I like to have a partially nuked acorn squash cooking underneath to soak up all the juices :D

And yeah, Splenda with Fiber is another staple in my household. Especially since my husband loves his coffee! :D
Thanks for all the protein ideas :)

I had a look through the 2 cookbooks that i own and kind of had a bit of a mess about and i ended up making myself roasted sweet potato wedges with roasted onions and green and yellow peppers. i had cous cous with it too but i didnt like it so only had a tiny bit. quite a good start for me!
oh god ive never heard of that, whats that?

Couscous tastes like soap to me its horrible! lovvve the sweet potato though, luckily ive got one of gillian mkeiths book and it was telling me its got 50 time more vitamin e (dont quote me on that one lol) than normal baked potatos so cant be bad!
Quinoa is a seed - kind of like a cross between barley & rice. Has a good amount of protein and fiber compared to rice, though. And that's what I usually use it in place of. Like quinoa pilaf. Took my husband a while to grow to like it. We also quite like wild rice, but that takes forever to cook.

I am a huge sweet potato fan. I don't know how much healthier it is than regular potatoes, but who cares? :p I make my own baked sweet potato fries too! Slice one up, then roast with olive oil, salt & pepper... in fact, that's what I do with most veggies ;) But sweet potato is one of thebest!

The wedges are also really yummy if they cook under a roast to soak up the drippings. One of my friends and I also plan on trying out sweet potato gnocchi one of these days.

Another thing I do - which really doesn't fall under the 'unprocessed' category is to make protein power brownies. Here's the recipe, although I have my own customizations -

I use 1/3 unflavored whey protein and 2/3 chocolate casein to make up the protein powder part. And I cook it a little longer to make it more like a brownie. When I feel very indulgent I toss in a few Reeses PB Chips. From this I learned that 15g of cocoa powder contains 5g of fiber... See, it just goes to show you that our taste buds are right - chocolate is awesome ;)

One of the fun - but dangerous - parts of exploring a new diet is checking out new foods to see if you like them. There are things I never would have thought to try before, but I'm discovering new and exciting ways to make healthy eating taste good! (Although I'm still a sucker for a simple grilled rib-eye)
Kasal your kinda quoting two diets. Blood type diet is based around a theory of evolution and the type of blood being a Biomarker of a specific diet pattern (and exercise habit). Its more of a for life approach and weight loss being a symptom of the diet (maybe). The atkins diet revolution is another diet for life and its principle is on relating carbs to hyperinsulinism. Few things to consider. If you believe thoses principles from trying it or researching it then by all means try it and good luck :D! But make sure you do it for life rather than weight loss.

Atkins mate, rest in peace, your effort on hyperinsulinism won't go down in vain.
Well i got myself the atkins book and thats about as far as it goes as i tried soya milk and cant stand the stuff, maybe because it was UHT but still i darent bu it again so my atkins diet is out the window! instead i have bought an exercise dvd.!!
diet, or some other high protein, low carbs diet. I remembered looking up a blood type diet and it said that a high protein, low carb but high exercise diet is best for my body / blood type.

i think the hardest thing will be having no sugar in my cuppa tea.
nooo :(

You dont have to cut CARBS and Sugar out of your diet . Simply eat them at the right times with the right foods . Go Wholegrain for a start and dont eat carbs with fat ,eat carbs with protein and fat with protein . Eat carbs on Training days (Anaerobic training ) This way your body is more receptive to carbs and is more likely to do something with them . Carbs are a fuel nothing else . Don't go no carb go low carb . Treat yourself to a cheat meal once a week . A pizza etc anything you want . The Atkins diet is good ,but long term unsustainable . The theory makes sense but again You have to live your life And unfortunately most of the nice foods in life are Massive in CARBS.

If your going to cut your calories again cut them on non training days . When you body doesn't need them Example ,if you train Monday morning then make your next big meal a high carb high Protein meal . Then come Tuesday go low carb high Protein and reduce calories .
Hehe. I can't stand soy milk. Almond milk tastes better but it's not milk. There are still some good things you can do with diet such as cutting down on processed foods and eating lean proteins that will help in addition to the exercise though :D

Like I said, I did Atkins for 5 years and made the switch off of it about 2 years ago. For me, exercise alone isn't enough, I have to watch what I eat as well. I actually find fitday really helpful - especially when I enter something I thought was going to be a 'light' meal and realize 'Holy crap, that's a lot of calories!' so I know I shouldn't eat it all the time ;)
Quinoa is a seed - kind of like a cross between
I am a huge sweet potato fan. I don't know how much healthier it is than regular potatoes, but who cares? :p I make my own baked sweet potato fries too! Slice one up, then roast with olive oil, salt & pepper... in fact, that's what I do with most veggies ;) But sweet potato is one of thebest!

sweet potato is a root Vegetable plant while a potato is a stem Vegetable . Basically a sweat Potatoes is Low GI and low fat where a normal Potato is High GI and High in starch .

Swoop Normal potatoes for Sweat Potatoes ...... and they task better :biggrinjester: